Chapter 4: The concert

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Chapter 4

Maddie’s POV

Yay! It’s Saturday! I thought to myself. Nothing to do today, so I finally get a free day to myself and relax. Maybe I’ll call up Rachel and we’ll go to the carnival or something.


Why does saying her name make me feel like I’m forgetting something?

My eyebrows widen and I run to my calendar.

“Oh shit!” I whisper-yelled at myself and slapped my forehead.

Great! There goes my free day. I thought toyself.

It says it right there on my calendar. Saturday, January 22, 2012; Drew Parker Concert 7:00 p.m.

I looked at my clock and it said, 1:56 p.m. Ugh this means I have 2 hours until I have to be at Rachel’s house.

So figuring I had 2 hours until I had to leave, well basically an hour and a half because I have to take a shower and get dressed.

So for the first hour I just laid around, reading my new book that I’ve been dying to read. And since I couldn’t stop reading it; I spent the last half hour reading it too.

So after my hour and a half was over; I put my book away and went straight for the shower.

After my shower, I put on my ‘Love Love Love’ lotion I go from bath and body works and then got dressed and put on my silver decorated Toms.  I didn’t bother touching my hair or make-up because Rachel told me to leave that up to her.

And did I mention the fact the Rachel picked this outfit out for me?

So I grabbed my satchel and my keys and stuffed my phone in my satchel and walked downstairs.

“Alright, mom, I’m leaving.” I said, walking towards her.

“Okay, bye sweetie, have a great time.” She said; hugging me.

“I will, thanks mom. Bye Nat!” I shouted while walking out the door.

“Hey?!” I heard Natalie scream after me.

“What?” I asked; confused.

“Can you at least please, pretty please, get me an autograph from them?” She begged.

I looked at her disparity and rolled my eyes and said, “Okay” and smile.

“Make it out to Natalie!” She shouted after me.

I got into my car and gave her a thumbs up.

 I blew my mom and Nat a kiss and backed out of the driveway.

After about 5 minutes I arrived at Rachel house and rang her doorbell.

“Hey, girl, OMG you look so hot!” She screeched and hugged me.

“Thanks” I smiled. “You did after all pick this out.” I finished.

“Very true” She said. “Alright, as you can see I didn’t do my hair already, so I’m just gonna go do my hair and make-up and then we’ll start on you, k?” She spoke.

“Mhmm” I mumbled.

After Rachel spent about 40 minutes straightening her hair to get it pitch perfect and doing her make up for about 20 minutes; she finally finished.

“Okay, your turn.” Rachel said; getting out a hair brush, starting to brush my hair.

After Rachel was done with my hair and make-up, I looked in the mirror and was surprised.

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