A/N!!!! About updates and other stuff

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Hey guyss!!! 

I'm super duper sorry that I haven't uploaded in forever. *sad face* :(. 

I have been extrememly busy lately and sometimes I'm just too lazy to write but I might upload tonight because I'm in a serious mood to continue my stories now and plus... I feel bad.

I know what it's like to wait for an update, so I might update tonight. If not; definitely tomorrow.

And for now on I will be trying to post songs for every chapter just because.

But you guys are gonna love the rest of this story. I got it all planned out in my head.... Just gotta... You know... Actually write it down. 

Mwahahahaha you guys are totally gonna be shocked out of your minds for now on throughout th rest of this wodnerful story.

Oki Dokes.

Gotta finish my Apple Jacks.

Oh and writing the next chapter!

Right... !!!

Okay. Toodlessss *peace sign* ahaha. 


~ Alysia

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