Chapter 8: Soakin' up the sun

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Chapter 8

“Mom, I’m going to the beach!” I yell; walking down the stairs.

“Wait! Go take Natalie and her friend!” She yelled back.

Wait, what?

I just give her a look.

“Natalie and that kid… Zach, wanted to go to the beach today and I couldn’t take them and neither could his parents, soooo, no that you’re going…. Can you take them?” She asked.

“Mom!?” I whined.

“Please… please, please. I’ll give you $30 just to take them and watch them. You can relax just make sure they’re safe.” She pleaded.

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

“Fine” I said.

“Natalie, come on!” I shouted.

“Where are we going?” She asked running down the stairs.

“The beach” I said.

Her eyes lit up and then she darted up the stairs. I guess she’s getting ready.

After about 10 minutes of waiting she finally came down the stairs.

“Ready” She says; holding her beach bag.

“Okay, be back later mom.” I said and kissed her on the cheek.

“Okay, be safe” She said.

“Kay” Me and Nat said and walked out the door.

We got into my car and drove off.

“So where does Zach live?” I asked.

“Um… 277 Lokers Street, I think.”  She responded.

“You think?” I asked.

“Just go and see” She said.

I drove to that address and Nat go out and rang the doorbell.

Someone answered and then went back into the house.

The next thing you know some kid with chestnut brown hair, blue eyes with a tall figure walks out next to Nat. And I was able to tell his eyes were blue because he looked at me and the sun just reflected his eyes.

 Wish I had eyes like that :(

“Hey” He said; approaching my car and then getting in.

“Hi” I responded.

“You guys ready?” I asked both of them.

“Yeah” Natalie answers for both for both of them.


I parked the car in the parking lot and then we all got out, got our stuff and then walked up to the beach and found a spot.

“Oh, nice car by the way.” Zach says to me.

“Thanks” I said and then it all went back to the awkward silence.

“Hey Madz, we’re gonna go in the water, kay?” She assured me.

“Yeah, okay” I responded.

I saw them walk away and then I laid in the public beach chairs.

I guess Nat and Zach are having fun because I’ve been laying here for about an hour and a half and they haven’t come back once.

“Hey, can I sit here?” A voice asked me.

I took my sunglasses off only to be staring at a guy with a fisher’s hat and sunglasses. He had a fair tan and a perfect muscles and abs.

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