Chapter 19: Our day: Part 1

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Chapter 19: Our day: Part 1

Maddie’s POV

So I woke up this morning, excited. I took a nice shower, brushed my teeth, lotioned myself, and went to find an outfit.

I decided to wear black leggings with a beige loose elbow shirt and a scarf, and brown boots.

Well, he said dress comfortable and this outfit was very comfortable.

I was too lazy to do anything with my hair so I just left it naturally wavy. I only put mascara on and that was it because I just wanted to look natural.

I hadn’t realized it was already 10:00 until I heard a honk come from outside my house.

“Oh snap!” I whisper-exclaimed and grabbed my satchel and my phone and went downstairs.

“Bye, mom!” I exclaimed as I shut the door.

“You can’t be like a gentleman and ring the doorbell?” I asked; getting into his car.

“I would’ve but that means that your family and probably this whole neighborhood would have saw me.” He replied.

“Oh” I said and slumped back in the seat as he drove off.

“So where are we going?” I asked.

“I told you I’m not telling you.” He said.

“But that’s not fair!” I whined.

“Too bad” He smiles and the drove off to wherever.


After continuous arguing, laughing, and talking we pulled up to Little Johnny’s Mini Golf.

“Mini golfing? Where going mini golfing?” I asked. I hate golf.

“Yeah, why?” He asked as he parked the car.

“I hate golf” I said.

“Well I think you’ll like this one.” He smiled and got out of the car and came to my side and opened the door for me.

“Well finally, you did something gentlemanlike today.” I smirked.

“I’m always a gentleman” He said.

“Whatever you say” I teased and we started walking towards the entrance.

I’m actually happy it’s not snowing anymore. I love snow but it gets annoying when it’s here for too long. I mean it’s still a little windy but at least all the snow is gone for good this year.

“Two” Drew said to the lady and the she widened her eyes at the sight of him, smiled, and gave him two clubs and golf balls.

Doesn’t this guy know how to wear a disguise anymore?!

I slapped his arm as I looked up to him.

“Ouch, what was that for?” He asked; holding his arm.

“Do you not know how to wear a disguise anymore?” I asked.

He just shrugged. “I can’t wear a disguise all the time.” He said.

“Yes, when you’re not out with a random girl!” I whisper-yelled.

“You not just a random girl.” He said.

I actually calmed down when he said that but showed no signs of calmness. I wanted to reply but I didn’t know how to reply to that, so I just said, “Whatever; let’s just go play.”

He just nodded and we walked to the first hole.

“You wanna go first or do you want to see the master at work first?” He smirked.

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