Chapter 16: Forgiveness and Reuniting: Part 1

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                                                         Chapter 16: Forgiveness and Reuniting

Maddie's POV 

So I walked inside my house after thankfully being dropped off by Seth.

I was still smiling from my previous thoughts of Drew until a voice snapped me out of it.

"What are so happy about?" My mother asked me.

OH MY GOD she's finally talking to me!

"Umm... nothing." I answered.

And you'd think I'd b smart enough to realize that I shouldn't have said 'nothing' and just made up an excuse considering she's mad at me because I won't tell her anything anymore.

"Still keeping things from me." She mumbled.

"Mom, I'm not keeping things from you." I said.

"Okay, then if you're not, then tell me why you're smiling." She demanded.

"What? You're daughter can't just smile in general?" I asked; playfully.

She raised an eyebrow at me and crossed her arms.

I sighed and then said, "Fine! A really good looking kid from school dropped me home just now; happy?" I answered.

I was definitely not going to tell her the REAL reason I was smiling, so I had to make up another reason, and basically my reason was true because Seth is pretty good looking and he did just drop me home from school.

She smiled at me and then embraced me in a hug.

"Mom?" I asked; curious to her sudden change of emotion.

"I'm just happy you finally told me something for once isntead of battling with me about it." She said.

I couldn't help but smile at the fact that my mother probably isn't mad at me anymore.

So to even make things better, I said, "Mom, I'm sorry I kept hiding things from you. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, so can we please just get back to normal?" I begged.

She let go of me and then looked at me straight in the eyes.

"Oh yes sweetie of course!" She exclaimed and then hugged me again.

"But you have to promise me that you'll tell me everything, Maddie." She said.

"I'll promise to tell you most things, how bout that?" I bargained.

She sighed and said, "Fine, okay" And then kissed my forehead.

"Thanks mom" I smiled.

"So who's this good looking boy that drove you home instead of Jessie, and why didn't Jessie come pick you up and where's Natalie?" She bombarded me with questions.

And here we go.

"Seth Ross mom, and I don't know why Jessie didn't pick me up, and I thought you already knew that Natalie was getting ready for the dance at Kristen's house." I responded.

"Oh right! And Seth Ross? The one that tried to--" I cut her off; not wanting her to finish that sentence.

"No mom, that was his brother, Hunter" I said.

"Oh right, that little dirtbag." She huffed in anger

"Mom!" I exclaiemd.

I was happy she called him a dirtbag but my mom was never one to swear in front of anyone. Well at least her own kids.

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