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           "HAN seola, i like you,"

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"HAN seola, i like you,"

it was as though time had come to a momentary halt, with seola's heart sinking its way deep down towards the pits of her stomach at those words.

this can't be happening . . .

her breath hitched while her now glistening eyes found their way to yunho's, her trembling hands painstakingly curling into fists in hopes of keeping her emotions at bay.

"i know that this is extremely sudden and might come off as a major shock to you, but i have liked you from the very first second i laid my eyes on you, seola. to me, you were nothing but my dream girl."

yunho began nervously, his shaky voice not going unheard by seola, whose eyes were only in a desperate search for a lad, he who was her dream boy.

the trio had decided to kick-start their summer break by spending it at the amusement park, wanting nothing more than to take their minds off studies for a bit.

night had soon approached without their realization, which meant it was time for the last ride before their departure.

the star of every amusement park; the ferris wheel.

however, just when they were about to board the cabin, seonghwa took a run for the gents, leaving the other two dumbfounded.

nevertheless, seola and yunho quickly boarded the cabin, for they did not want to stall up those queuing behind them and decided to take it once more with seonghwa when he returned.

while seola didn't think much of it, yunho, on the other hand, couldn't quite enjoy the moment. his heartbeat raced rapidly as the butterflies in his stomach were set free. this was truly such a rare moment to him. 

they were all alone, just the two of them, which caused the poor lad to fall into a mental debate with himself.

anyone could tell that this was the perfect time to profess his love for the latter, yet his timid self couldn't seem to put his wish into action.

he was afraid of rejection. well, who wouldn't? but even so, he couldn't imagine a more suitable time to confess to the love of his life than right at this very moment.

it was now or never.

unlike yunho's original belief, the lass had already known his feelings for her. it wasn't too difficult to put two and two together, considering how she also admired another.

in actual fact, this was what seola wished to avoid ever since she discovered his feelings for her. her heart belonged to someone else, and the mere thought of breaking the heart of another that loved her possibly just as much couldn't sit right with her.

digging her nails deeper into her palms, seola nibbled on her bottom lip, somehow unable to form proper words.

"you are my true definition of perfect, and even if you can't reciprocate my feelings, i hope it's still alright if i continue loving you with my all. i don't think i could ever love another like you."

yunho plucked up his courage and continued speaking despite noticing the tense atmosphere surrounding both of them.

"her biggest fear is to be left alone, so never keep her waiting for you till the wee hours."

"i know that you fear being alone, so i promise that i'll try my very best to always be by your side, to be there for you no matter what happens,"

"it would be best if both of you could walk home together after school, every single day."

"when school ends, i would walk you home⎯"

"oh, and don't forget her favourite boba as well."

"and treat you to your favourite boba whenever you crave for it."

"seola may seem like a tough girl, but nightmares would always find their way back to hunt her."

"in nights where your nightmares find their way to you, i will be by your side in less than a heartbeat, to comfort you and be that one shoulder for you to lean on."

"she'll love you, yunho."

"i love you wholeheartedly, i really mean it, and if you give me a chance, a shot at this, i swear that i'll never break your heart."

yunho's eyes screamed desperation, desperation for a response. hopefully, a good response, that is.

"han seola, will you go out with me?" he was already mentally prepared for rejection, for he knew that he could never make her feel the way seonghwa did.

still, he could only hope.

"yunho i⎯"

seola clasped her lips together, her knuckles turning pale white from how tight her hands were fisted as her eyes stung with tears. 

i can't believe i'm doing this.

it wouldn't be a lie to say that she was still caught by surprise at the fact that yunho fancied a girl like her.

she knew that he was indeed a good-natured boy that deserved all the love in this world and more. he definitely held the kindest and purest heart, and she just couldn't bear to break it.

"i . . . i will,"


waving his hands in the air with a wide smile plastered on his face, seonghwa tried to catch the attention of the pair that were currently in search of him.

though his eyes fell onto their intertwined hands as his smile vanished in an instant, feeling his heart shattering in dismay.

you wanted this, stupid.


biting back his tears, seonghwa masked a smile at the couple that was approaching him with happiness written all over their faces.

and you've got it.

he playfully wriggled his brows, pointing at their intertwined hands, to which yunho rubbed his nape in embarrassment.

"both of you are finally together, huh? i hope i won't be considered a third wheeler now." seonghwa teased, wrapping his arms around their shoulders.

"take care of her, alright?" he turned to yunho, who responded with a nod before turning to the lass beside him. "and you,"

"don't cause too much trouble for this puppy over here, got it?" seola stifled a laugh before mumbling a soft okay, bringing brief relief to seonghwa, who stood between his loved ones.  

"i couldn't be happier for the both of you," and despite the bitter smile that was barely hanging on the corner of his lips, the lad ended up crying in bed all night long.

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