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          "MAKE sure that you've taken everything with you, seola

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"MAKE sure that you've taken everything with you, seola." yunho nagged the lass for the umpteenth time.

grumbling under her breath, seola stormed over to the lad who only towered over her before resting a finger on his lips.

"i've already checked my bag for the third time now!" she whined, hoping that yunho would finally let her off the hook. he had been trailing behind her for the entire morning, and it was starting to weird her out a little.

"i'm only making sure that everything runs smoothly for the both of you, seola." he sighed, taking her hand in his.

gently rubbing his thumb against the back of it, yunho only squeezed seola's hand tighter at the thought of the true meaning behind this "mini trip".

"have fun, alright?" he cooed, pulling her in for a hug as he planted a soft kiss on the crown of her head, vigorously blinking back the tears that began watering his eyes.

don't shed too many tears, my love.

"i will," seola flashed him a smile, her tiny hands travelling up to caress his cheeks which she knew would reassure him further.

as if on cue, the sound of their doorbell rang, interrupting the two as it quickly forced them apart, with seola excitedly making a dash for the door.

"hi there, princess," seonghwa felt his lips automatically curling upwards at the sight of seola, his heart swarming with love at once.

though, his happiness was short-lived when he eventually locked eyes with the lad standing behind her.

oh, yunho . . .

hoping to have a word with yunho in private, gloominess laced in his tone as he motioned seola to head for the car parked before their front porch.

"wait for me in the car, hmm? i'll be there real soon." the lass only nodded in response and ran along into the vehicle without another word, not forgetting to bid yunho goodbye one last time.

with her presence now absent, it had left the air that surrounded the boys with nothing but pure bitterness.

taking a step into the house, seonghwa made sure that they weren't visible to seola, who was busy finding a comfortable spot to rest for their long journey ahead, not wanting her to witness any tear shedding scenes between them.


cutting off his words, yunho pulled him in for a hug, one that he knew would be their very last, as his eyes instantly stung with tears.

the two stayed in that position for a moment, with neither one wishing to speak, for they knew it would only come out as a sob.

"take care up there, hwa." yunho breathed, only holding seonghwa tighter than before as he felt the lad trembling in his arms.

despite painstakingly trying to hold back his tears, yunho broke into a chain of sobs while seonghwa's tears followed suit, eventually staining his shirt.

his nightmares have returned to haunt him once more, except this was only the reality of it. his best friend would be leaving for good.

"t⎯ take care of seola, alright?" seonghwa tried to squeeze his words out, yet his cries only got louder at the mention of seola.

likewise, for seonghwa, the reality was hitting him hard. the days he dreaded the most have eventually found their way to him, and running away was no longer an option.

"i will," yunho spoke in between his hysterical sobs, calming himself down being something way impossible for him now.

he couldn't seem to come to terms with the fact that this would be the last time he would ever see seonghwa again, no matter how many times he had mentally prepared himself for it.

"i⎯ i love you,"

his voice was as soft as a whisper, with yet another tear escaping his eye as it glided down his rosy cheek.

flashing him a smile both of them knew held millions of emotions, seonghwa mouthed the same three words to the lad before hugging him once more.

it was officially a goodbye for them now.

"thank you for everything, for all you've done for seola and for keeping the promises you've once made to me. i'll never forget you, yunho. i swear," seonghwa chuckled bitterly, despite his heart crushing at the sight of the broken lad before him.

he still wished to stay strong for him even when he was doing an absolutely horrendous job at it.

wiping away the tears that stained his cheeks, seonghwa cleared his throat before turning around to leave, back facing the boy whose sobs were still distinct.

"goodbye now, jeong yunho."

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