Chapter 20

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The night was a blur.

A collection of images that made very little sense. I remember dancing, sweaty bodies, music so loud it made your head throb and the faint recollection of skin on skin.

I am lying in a bed that isn't mine, in an apartment that isn't mine. Even though Levi invited me into his home, I don't feel like I belong. I sit up in my bed, I feel like my head should be throbbing but it's not. I  feel fine. I don't know if that's a good thing.

I pick up my cell phone.  11:45 am. I sigh and with heavy limbs untangle myself from my bedsheets. The floor is cold under the soles of my feet. When I leave the room I make my way to the kitchen. Coffee would be great right about now. Levi is sitting at the kitchen table, bent over with his head wrapped in his arms. "Morning." I say. He jolts upright.
"Oh, yeah hi morning."
"Feeling okay?" I ask as I pour the already hot water from the kettle into a mug.
"No, I'm really not." He groans and lies back down again. I sit down beside him and place my hand on top of his.
"It's okay. It will get better." For a moment I can't help but wonder if I'm talking to myself. He shakes his head.
"I don't even know what happened last night." He says, burrowing his face into his arms.
"I was hoping you remembered. Either way, I'm sure we had fun." I retract my hand from his and place it around the warmth of my coffee mug.
I look out the window and notice white flecks starting to fall from the sky. The streets are dead silent, everyone retreated into their homes on this cold Saturday morning.
"It's snowing." I say, and Levi glances up out the window.
"So it is. Got any plans for today?" He asks looking over at me.
"Nah, it's too cold to do anything."
"I'm not going out either, looks like you're stuck with me."
"There are worse things." I reply with a cheeky smile. He returns it.
"Wanna watch a movie?"
We are under a blanket, I've pulled my end up to my shoulders and are hiding under the coat of warmth. Levi is beside me on the couch, eyes fixed onto the screen. In honesty, I'm not really paying attention.
"Damien, can you pass me the popcorn?" I ask innocently. It's not until he looks at me in confusion that my heart stops in my chest. "Shit. Levi. Levi. Not Damien. Fuck."
"Who's Damien?" He asks playfully nudging me.
"The guy you remind me of. Doesn't matter now. Can I have the popcorn please?"
"You're blushing." He teases, still holding the popcorn.
"Levi please. I'm not ready to talk about it yet. Not even close." His playful smile falters as he notices tears building behind my eyes.
"Oh, Quinn I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" He trails off as he wraps his arms around me. I cry into his shoulder, feeling more weak than I ever have. I held it together for so long. Why am I breaking now?
Nothing else is said. He just holds me.

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