Chapter 10

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Duane ushered me into the house. I was blinded momentarily because of the light. Sun poured in from the many windows. I wasn't used to it being this bright after spending so long in a basement. I blinked rapidly until my eyes adjusted. Duane took my hand and started to lead me through the house. Everything was so expensive, so valuable. It didn't seem right for a maniac to be so wealthy. This money should be for people who deserve it. We walked up to the second floor of the house. He opened up a door and pushed me into a bathroom. He turned on the shower and stepped back, watching me.
"What?" I said, covering up my naked body nervously.
"The showers ready." He said simply.
"Aren't you going to leave?"
"No, I can't fully trust you yet." I blushed bright pink.
"You can't watch me while I shower!" I said outraged.
"And why not?" My ears went hot. Common Quinn, you need to convince him or its back in the basement.
"It's weird."
"How? It's not like I haven't seen it all before." He gestured at my naked body. My cheeks went impossibly pinker, I climbed into the shower without another word. I turned around so I wouldn't have to look at Duane. I stood there, letting the water flow over my body. I grabbed the soap and started scrubbing my skin ferociously. The stale blood, dirt and sweat started washing off my body. The water at my feet turned murky and red. I continued to scrub myself with the soap. Duane's soap. That's been all over his body. All over his body. I gasped and put the soap back where it belonged. I shuddered and washed my hair. When I was done I turned the shower off and stepped out, dripping wet.
"Can I have a towel?" I asked. Duane's eyes were glued to my body. The water was glistening on my skin, defining my breasts and flat stomach. "Duane?" His eyes snapped up to mine and he shook his head.
"Yeah. Yeah sorry." He left the room and I sighed. What was I going to do? I can't stay here. Duane came back with a towel. I grabbed it from him and quickly wrapped it around myself, hiding myself from his prying eyes. He handed me a shirt which I took gratefully. He at least had the courtesy to leave the room while I dried myself off. I pulled the shirt on over my head and left the bathroom. I walked down the stairs and into the living room. Duane was sitting on the couch causally, watching the tv. Nobody would have suspected he had a kidnapped girl getting changed on the floor above him.
"Duane, can I please have something to eat?" He sighed lazily.
"The kitchen is over there." He flicked his wrist to a doorframe on the right. I walked where he directed me and opened up the fridge. I almost drooled at the food in front of me. I grabbed a bowl of pasta and stated shovelling it into my mouth. It feels like days since I have eaten, it probably has been. I'm so much thinner now, and I've lost whatever muscle I had before I was taken here. After licking the pasta bowl clean, I grabbed a bag of chips from the pantry. I ate and ate until I felt like I was going to throw up. Then I did actually throw up. I hunched over the sink, emptying all the food I had just eaten. I felt hands wrap around my hair, holding it out the way as I puked into the sink. When I though I was finished I wiped my mouth, standing up to look at Duane. He tutted at me.
"Don't you know not to eat so much after so long without a proper diet? Your body isn't used to that much food. Let alone that quickly." I glare up at him. Hate radiating from my skin.
"If you fed me properly we wouldn't be having this discussion." My head snapped to the side as he slapped me. I put my hand to my cheek, turning my head slowly to glare at him.
"Don't you dare fucking talk to me like that." His eyes stare coldly into mine, making me want to quiver in fear. "If you ever disrespect me again, I will do more than just slap you." The deadly honesty in his words sent a wavering shiver up my spine. I swallowed the lump in my throat. He grabbed my by the wrist and pulled me up the stairs, shoving me into what seemed to be his bedroom. "You can stay here until you learn your lesson, and don't even think about escaping. Don't say I didn't warn you." Then he slams the door back in face, locking it from the outside. I sit slowly down on his bed, burying my face in my hands hopelessly. I am going to be here forever.
I awoke to feel a figure pressed against my back. It didn't take me long to work out where I was, and who was behind me. Duane's arm was wrapped around my waist, pulling me firmly against him. His hand was tracing patterns on my bare stomach, he had obviously lifted up my shirt. The top was still the only clothing I had, on and with him pressed up against me from behind, I was beginning to feel more and more self conscious. I squeeze my eyes shut. I have to think of a plan to get out of here. Not necessarily now, but eventually. After twenty minutes I had worked out five plans to escape. Each one required Duane's death, but one seemed to be the most achievable. Make Duane trust me, then kill him when he is off-guard. I opened my eyes. I knew this wasn't going to be easy. I knew it would require my lying skills, sex, bravery, and more lying. I though that the sooner I started, the faster I was going to get out of here. Right? I rolled over so I was facing Duane. He lifted his hand to my face where a bruise was quickly forming.
"I'm sorry I hit you." He whispered soothingly. "You just need to learn to treat me with more respect."
"I'm sorry too, I didn't mean to disrespect you." I lied "I just wasn't feeling very well. That's all." I gave him my most convincing fake smile. He smiled back.
"So we are alright then?" I leaned forward and kissed him on the mouth, pulling back and looking back into his eyes.
"Yes." I answered. He smiled again, leaning forward and kissing me. I closed my eyes opening my mouth almost immediately, letting him slip his tongue in. His hand ran up my bare thigh, squeezing my flesh hungrily. Behind my eyelids I tried to imagine Damien. I pictured his black hair and his cool eyes, but the hands touching me weren't gentle like Damien's. I couldn't feel Damien's lip piercing rubbing against my lip. The denim jeans rubbing against my legs, didn't come with the familiar clink of the chain that always hung from Damien's pocket. I felt the jeans be pulled off. I opened my eyes and instead of staring into Duane's eyes, I gazed into Damien's. I smiled up at him. He smiled back.
"I'm glad you like me back." He said.
"I always liked you." His smile grew even bigger. I pulled up my shirt, tossing it to the side.
"You have a weird way of showing it". His eyes never left my body while he spoke those words. before I could answer He started to grind his bare body against mine, teasing me. I gripped my hands into his waist, staring up at the ceiling and moaning with need. I stared into Damien's eyes, silently pleading him to do this. He didn't hesitate. 

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