Chapter 15

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Six months later.

I swing open my locker, taking my pills and water bottle. I open the container and put one pill onto my tongue before washing it down with a swig of water. I scrunch up my nose.

It's been just over three months since I was diagnosed with depression.

I started seeing a therapist weeks after what I went through with Duane, Damien and Lexi. She told me I had symptoms of depression and referred me to a doctor who subscribed me some medication. I'm not happy to be taking the pills, but they are making more of a difference than I like to admit.

I even met new people.

I pull out my books and start walking down the corridor to my next class, physiology. College was a big move for me, especially after everything that happened this was the last thing I wanted. I just didn't have anything else I wanted to do, and I couldn't spend the rest of my life crying in bed like I did for the first month.

I can say I'm glad I enrolled.

I swing open the door to my class and walk over to my small group of friends. Alex was the first to notice me, getting distracted from Levi as I approached the tables. Alexs light hair was slightly messier than normal but his vibrant green eyes were as alive as they always are.

"Hey Quinn." He says with a smile. This causes Fay to snap up her head from her book. She also smiles at me, her straight brown hair also messy, whispy strands escaping her plait. Her skin is pale and her nose and cheeks are dotted with hundreds of small brown freckles. Levi gives me a small wave of acknowledgment before I sit at the table.

"Hey guys." Fay speaks straight away.

"I am glad your here, me and Alex have been up all night trying to finish out project." My gaze flicks between Alex and Fay curiously.

"What project?" Alex laughs, running a hand through his hair.

"I spent all night on it and your guess is as good as mine." I try to advert my eyes away from Levi. He has characteristics that uncomfortably remind me of Damien. His dark hair, dark clothing and pale skin. The main difference is Levi has striking green eyes. He seems to sense my awkwardness around him and focuses on his book quietly. I clear my throat and turn to Fay.

"So what did you want me to help you with?"


I file out of the class, Alex and Fay going in different directions. I hear footsteps running up behind me and notice Levi slow to a normal pace at my side. I continue to focus ahead, trying not to look at him. Trying not to see the face of my dead friend in his.

"Hey." he says. His voice sounds nothing like Damiens. It doesn't sound cold but warm at the same time.

Of course he doesn't sound like him they are completely different people.

When I dont answer he cuts in front of me, stopping me.

"Did I do something?" I bring my gaze up from his shoes to his face, still not answering. God, even the shape of his jaw reminds me of him. "Look, if I said something that offended you, I am truly sorry." I give him a half smile.

"You didn't do anything, don't worry about it." The corner of his lips dip down slightly.

"That wasn't very convincing." I shuffle my books in my arms to stop them slipping.

"You just remind me of someone I used to know. That's all."

"Did they mistreat you? You look at me like I'm the devil." My gaze drops down again, I was the devil. Not him. "Oh no, I'm sorry." He says, thinking he upset me. "God I'm such an idiot sometimes, I didn't mean to-" I cut him off, lifting my gaze back up to his face.

"No, it's fine. He didn't mistreat me." He sighs of relief, running a hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry, I am an idiot when it comes to people I like-" he stops himself eyes wide "not that I like you- I mean, I like you-" he stumbles over his own words and I raise an eyebrow in entertainment. I nudge past him and walk down the corridors.

He doesn't act anything like Damien.

Damien was never goofy or awkward. He was always really confident about whatever point he wanted to get across.

God I just miss him so much.


Hiya! Sorry for the slow update, I've been busy working on other stories. I will try to focus more on this one so hopefully the updates should get longer and better. Anyways, thanks for reading!
P.S I am not going to end the book here like I originally intended.

And please



And tell me what you think!

It all helps me out a lot

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