Chapter 21

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"I'm sorry... about before." He says quietly, the first words that have been spoken in what feels like an eternity.
"No, I'm sorry. I overreacted."
"If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine. Just know I'm here, okay?" He pauses, stroking my hair tenderly. "If care about you, Quinn. Okay? I don't want you to feel like you can't talk to me." I feel a slight pressure on top of my skull as he rests his head on mine.
"I'd appreciate it if you didn't bring this up at school. In front of the others I mean. Not that I'm embarrassed or anything, just after what she said last time I-"
"Don't worry. I won't bring it up, you can trust me."
We are silent for a moment.
"Thank you." It's hard to trust people after everything that's happened. Yet why I am I lying here, in the arms of another man not even that long after everything that happened? I should be afraid of him. I feel like I should be shutting him out. Deep down, I know the reason why I'm still here. I see flecks of the man I used to love in him, I see a glimmer of what I used to love. Who I used to love.
I want to tell him everything so badly.
I bite my tongue.
The apartment is dead silent. It's just coming on one in the morning and I have school in a few hours. I stand in the hallway, biting my bottom lip as I debate if I'm really going to do this. I swear, and silently make my way down the hallway, past my bedroom door and stopping at the next one. It opens in complete silence, and I step into the room. It's much cooler than the rest of the house, and Levi lays sleeping. Oblivious.
Before long I reach his bedside, and I climb into the bed with him. He makes a noise, still half asleep and wraps an arm around me. He pulls my close into his chest and says something inaudible.
"I didn't want to hurt you." I say, pressing my face into his chest. "I loved you so much. I'd give anything to have you back. I'd give anything to be back in that park with you. When everything was better." I fall quiet, listening to his breathing. But to me, Levi isn't himself. He is Damien. "I still love you." The words are barely a breath.
"I love you too." He says, half asleep.
"Why? After everything, how can you still love me?" My eyes sting.
"How could I not?"
"I couldn't save you. You're gone because of me." My words are smushed, my face buried in Levi's chest.
"Quinn? What are you doing?" I pull away from his chest and look up at Levi. The words arent menacing or cruel, they seem tired and slightly confused. I blink, unsure what to say.
"I don't know. I just wanted to be with you." He looks down at me and to my surprise he smiles. Not in a sinister or menacing way, just a smile that melts me.
He leans down and presses his lips against mine, just for a second. He pulls back away and I'm left blinking into his eyes.
"It's okay, I'll just hold you if you like?"
Then, with his arms around me I fall asleep.
For the first time in forever, I don't dream about Damien.

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