Chapter 3

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I lay in my bed staring up at the ceiling. I couldn't stop thinking about Damien and what he would have said. What would happen if he still liked me? Would he stay with Cassandra? I can't imagine him leaving her for me, and I'm not even sure if I would let him. It would hurt Cassandra so much, and I dont know if I could bring myself to do that to a friend. I glance over at my alarm clock. Its 2:53AM. I let out an agitated groan. I won't be able to get to sleep, especially with these thoughts of Cassandra and Damien buzzing through my head. I climb out of bed and trudge into the kitchen. Something inside of me pulled me towards the fridge. I opened it up and the light switched on, illuminating my food choices. I frown at how empty my fridge was. I really need to go shopping. I grab a carton of blue milk and pour myself a glass. I put the milk carton away, and place the glass into the microwave. I put it in for a minute and stand back and wait. Babies drink warm milk to get to sleep don't they? I guess I'm kind of like a baby, just a big baby. After the longest minute of my life the microwave dings, I hastily open it and bring the warm glass to my mouth. My eyebrows rise in delight as I gulp the warm drink. 

"Well hello there." Says an unfamiliar husky voice from behind me. I choke on the milk in surprise, spluttering it everywhere. I spin around to see a good looking young man leaning against the door frame. My heart pounds in my chest, the echoing sound reaching my ears.
"Who are you?"
"I'm Duane. I'm here with Lexi." My internal organs start to calm down and I set the glass down on the kitchen bench.
"I didn't know she was having anyone over." He flashed me a straight toothed smile, running a hand though his scruffy, chestnut coloured hair.
"What can I say? Women have no way to tell what might happen when I'm let loose on them." My eyes trail down to his perfectly toned body and bold V line. I swallow the lump in my throat.
"Ah huh." He takes a step towards me, the light fully illuminating him, shadowing his muscles and making them look more defined. His blue eyes flash at me.
"Nice gown." I look down at myself and flush a bright shade of pink. I'm wearing a nightgown that I only ever wear on special occasions, if you catch my drift. The only reason I was wearing it was that it was such a hot night that I couldn't sleep wearing my normal ones. The nightgown is black silk and ridiculously short. It has velvety pink strips under my breasts and down the sides. In between my breasts is a small pink bow. I grab the bottom of my dress, self-consciously pulling it down to cover my long, tanned legs. His smile increases. "You look cute when you're embarrassed." I flush an even brighter shade of pink. He lets out a small laugh and steps seductively towards me. I shrink backwards into the kitchen bench. He gets closer and slips his hands over my waist and puts them on the bench behind me, trapping me against it. He presses himself against me and places his mouth to my ear. He then whispers "I've always wanted to do a blonde on a kitchen counter." I let out a gasp and place my hands on his chest, attempting to push him away. The shock of the situation has sapped my strength. He seems to ignore the push and starts kissing my neck. I press myself up onto the kitchen bench so I'm sitting on it, trying to get away from him. 
"Stop." I gasp quietly. I can't let this happen. He is here with Lexi for gods sake. I don't even know this guy. He looks at me annoyed, his eyebrows knotted together. I slide down off the kitchen counter, looking up at him.
"You're a pig" I hiss "you are here with Lexi, she is my best friend."
"And?" I furrow my eyebrows confused.
"What do you mean "and"? She is my best friend and I won't do this to her. She likes you a lot." He places his hands on my hips and pulls my pelvis against his.
"And I like you a lot."
"You don't even know me."
"I like what I see." He winks an eye at me. I slide past him.
"Goodnight, Duane." And with that I walk into my bedroom, quietly clicking the door shut behind me.
I slept in that morning, which makes sense considering I was up all night. I stand in the kitchen making myself a drink. I grab my mug and walk into the lounge, plopping down on the sofa. I bring the mug to my lips thinking about everything's that's happened these last few days. My friends fiancé could possibly have feelings for me, and my best friends boyfriend tired to get in between my legs. It's the holidays now, maybe everyone's going insane. Including me. My phone flashes and I pick it up. It's a text from Damien.
"I need to talk to you." I roll my eyes. Great, these holidays are just going to get more and more insane.
"When?" My phone flashes almost instantly.
"Ok, I'll meet you at the park in ten?" The park is conveniently only a few placed down from my flat.
"See you then." I place my phone and cup down and stand up. That gives me enough time to get dressed and head down. I get changed and walk down to the park in record time. I walk over to the swings and sit down and wait for him. Nervousness builds up inside of me as I wait. He probably wants to talk about what happened at the smoothie bar. What will he say? Maybe I will be able to find out if he still has feelings for me. I see Damien in the distance, his black clothing standing out boldly in the green of the park. He sits down on the swing next to me. We sit in a silence for awhile, the only sound being the rusty chains of the swings creaking. He finally speaks, breaking the tension surrounding me.
"I made a terrible mistake." He says, stopping swinging and sitting perfectly still. His hair hangs over his eyes, casting his face in shadows.
"What was it?" I ask, almost afraid of the answer.
"Proposing to Cassandra."

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