Chapter 22

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I sit in class chewing the end of my pencil.
It was a bad habit, a nervous tick. The more the professor talked about the oncoming exams the more I worried. God, I need to study more. I shouldn't have gone out the other night with Levi, I should have stayed home and studied.
It was a normal thing to worry about, and it felt good in the strangest way.
After class I gathered up my books and headed out, pulling my large folder to my chest. As I leave the room I see Fay waiting for me. She sees me and grins, waving in my direction. I wave back and approach her.
"Hey! What did you get up to this weekend?"
"Not studying, which I should have been doing." She laughs and flicks her hair over her shoulder in a swift movement.
"Same here, Alex and I went ice skating in the park. It was great." Her eyes are glowing as she smiles. I smile back at her.
"You like him." I tease. Instantly her face flushes a deep red.
"I do not!"
"You so do!" Her eyes flash around the hallway.
"Okay, shutup. I do, okay?" The redness fades from her cheeks and a huge goofy grin covers her face. "I like him a lot." I feel myself return her smile.
"That's really cool, Fay."
"I just hope he likes me back." Her eyes waver with doubt then return back to normal. Fay is beautiful and fun. Anybody who wouldn't want to be with her would be stupid.
"Are you going to tell him?"
"No! Of course not... well do you think I should?"
"I think you should go for it. You don't want to wait for someone else to snatch him up, or worse." My thoughts flicker to Damien. She thinks for a second.
"Okay, I'll tell him." A grins covers her face again. "What about you? Do you like anyone?"
Should I tell her?
She notices my hesitation. "You do! Come on, you can trust me Quinn."
"Okay, okay. I've been living with Levi for awhile. Last night he kissed me, but it's no big deal."
"No big deal!" She's practically squealing and I attempt to hush her. "Sorry, sorry. I just knew it. I knew it."
"You cannot tell anyone that. I don't even know how I feel about it yet. So just keep it under the rug, okay?" She nods, biting her bottom lip.
"I can keep a secret, Quinn." She pulls out her phone and glances at the time. "Shit. I'm going to be late. I'll talk to you later, okay?" I would have replied but she was already halfway down the hallway.
I push open the door, feeling tired from the flight of stairs.
I drop my bag onto the ground at my feet and drop my keys on the table.
"Hey." I jump out of my skin and spin around. Levi is sitting in the living room smiling at me. "Did I scare you." I remove my hand from my chest.
"I thought you had bio."
"Nah, not today. I finish early, like you I guess." I nod and walk over to him, sitting beside him on the sofa. The TV is on but neither of us are paying attention. Damien wouldn't want me to stop living because he was gone. He wouldn't want me to waste my life over him. A part of me will always love Damien, but it's time for me to let go.
Levi's eyes graze my face and his eyebrows dip in the middle. "Is something wrong?" I give him a small smile.
"No. I think for the first time in forever everything is okay." I place my hand on top of his, and our fingers intertwine. His face is laced with confusion. "I'm ready to tell you if you're ready to listen."
"Ready to tell me what?"

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