Chapter 29

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I stand outside of the house.
It looks the same, but different. There is different furniture on the patio and the windows are wide open. A bright red car is parked up the driveway and I can't hear music pounding in my skull. This is where Lexi and I used to live. Before everything went to hell I had some of the best moments of my life here. A face appears in the window, a young girl looks at me standing at the end of her driveway. I awkwardly turn and walk back to the safety of my car.
Before I can turn the engine on my cell phone rings. I glance at the caller I.D before answering.
"Hey, Levi"
"Hey Quinn." I wait for him to continue speaking but he doesn't.
"Is everything okay?"
"What? Uh, yeah. Just wondering when you would get back?"
"I've made plans to go out and have lunch with Alex and Fay. Why? Is something wrong?"
"Uh, no. No, no everything is fine. Take your time for lunch, I was just curious."
"You don't sound fine."
"I'm okay, I swear."
"Okay, well I should go now. Love you." Again he doesn't reply. "Babe?"
"Uh yeah, see you later." The sound of beeping fills me ear and confused and slightly hurt, I put the phone down.
When I open the door to the house something is different.
The lights are off and it's silent, but that's not what's strange. The air is too thick, and it feels like my subconscious is trying to tell me something. Warn me against something. When I go to switch the lights on, nothing happens. I walk over to a lamp and try to switch that on. Again, nothing. I peer down the lampshade and see the bulb has been removed. Confused and now afraid I straighten my spine. "Levi?" I call out. "Are you home?" The only response I get is my echo. I drop my bag on the sofa and walk towards the bedroom.
In the middle of the bedroom is a chair. Levi sits in it with his back to me. "Levi? Why didn't you answer me?" I approach the chair, but by the time I notice the ropes it too late. Duane steps out of the shadows, and I step back. I hit something, and when I spin around I look up into the eyes of Lowell.
"Lowell! Thank god, help me." His eyes are empty.
"I'm so sorry." His hand snaps around to my arm, which he uses to turn me  around. Duane smiles and spins Levi around in the chair. His mouth is gagged and blood covers his face. "This. Really? This is what you're in love with?" He walks around Levi and stops in front of me. "You deserve someone stronger. It didn't even take much convincing to get him to call you." His hand slowly reaches up and grazes my face. "Now Lowell, on the other hand. He took much more convincing to get on my side. Poor Claudia, I hope she gets better soon."
"What did you do to her?"
"Nothing. I didn't have to. Lowell was very cooperative." Lowells' grip tightens. "I've missed you, Quinn. Watching you from a far, waiting for the right time to see you again. It was hard to keep patient, but for you," he cups my chin "I'd wait a lifetime."
"You're sick."
"No, I'm just a man in love." His gaze lifts over my head and focuses on Lowell. "Go now. Be with your wife."
In less than a second, Lowell pulls me behind him, pulls out a glock and has it pointed at a very impressed and surprised looking Duane.
"That won't be necessary." He says. His voice is hard and cold, while Duane is smiling.
"Well well. I knew I liked you for a reason. You have guts, kid. Lets make a deal. You put down the gun, and your wife lives. Now, because you made things more difficult, your brothers life is on the line too." He spins around behind Levi, and pulls a knife to his throat. "What do you say? Hand her over, or loose your family? You could try to shoot me, but how good is your aim?"
Lowell doesn't even blink. He pulls the trigger. A red dot appears on Duane's forehead and the knife falls from his hands onto Levis lap. The corpse falls backwards, and hits the floor with a heavy thud.
"My aims pretty good actually."

8 Weeks Later

Duane's finally gone. I can rest easy now, we all can. Levi's wounds healed pretty good and he apologized a thousand times for calling me. Duane said he had Lowell, and he didn't know what else to do. I forgave him of course, I completely understood. Lowell apologized to me too, he tricked Duane into thinking he would join his side. The entire time Lowell was with me he made sure people he trusted were watching Claudia in the hospital. She's fine.
Me and Levi moved out of the apartment, we couldn't live there after what happened. We left the university and moved across the country. Levi landed an awesome job with a massive company, and for now life is pretty good. Lowell said once Claudia wakes up they will come and live with us. The doctors are saying she should wake up any time now.
I don't need the pills anymore, and I've been feeling genuinely happy.
For once in my life, everything is perfect.
I got more good news. I'm pregnant.
It's going to be a little girl, and Levi and I have already picked her name.
Alexa, or for short, Lexi.


That's the end of the book!
Thank you all so much for reading this, it had way more reads than I ever could have imagined and I am so grateful!
I might go through and edit the story sometime in the future. I probably won't be changing the plot at all, just the wording and such.

Thank you all for going on this journey with me! I hope Quinns tale inspired some of you that no matter what you are going through it all turns out okay in the end, and that if it isn't okay, it's not the end.

Love you all, Kc

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