Chapter 1

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I hesitated mid step, my breathing pausing briefly while my ears strained. Maybe I just imagined that noise? I frowned, the sound of the extra set of footsteps seemed too lifelike. I shook my hands, trying to warm myself up and calm myself down at the same time.

Calm down Quinn, you're imagining things.

I forced my gaze to stay forward as I walked on. I was being paranoid. The dim lights and silence was getting to my head. I pulled out my phone getting ready to check the time. It was now quarter past ten at night. The battery icon on my phone flashed signalling it was almost flat. The screen suddenly went black and I groaned. Great, just great. I stuffed the currently useless phone back into the depths of my hoodie pockets and pressed on. Each one of my heavy, tired footsteps echoing off the asphalt and bouncing around in my skull.

"Ahhh!" I heard a loud scream of attack come from behind me, I tried to spin around but was too slow, my attacker was now on my back gripping tightly onto my shoulders.

Damn, I wish I stuck with those karate lessons.

"Get off me!" I cried. I managed to wrestle them off me, quickly spinning around to see my best friend. The adrenaline evaporated from my veins and I was filled with relief. "Oh my god Lexi, you scared the shit out of me." She let out a small evil laugh.

"It's all part of my genius plan." She twirled her fingers together and I couldn't help but smile.

"Was this to get me back for what I did last year?" My smile grew as I remembered back to how I dressed up as an evil monkey (the thing that haunts her nightmares), and leapt out at her from an alleyway.

"Yes, and for fun of course."

"Well now that you're here you may as well walk me home." I started walking again, her trailing along after me.

"What are you doing walking home anyway?" She asks, kicking a stone on the footpath.

"I'm too over the limit to drive, I'm not really drunk, just not sober enough." She nodded to herself. "Why are you walking?"

"I was following you." She kicked the same stone ahead a few feet. "But I guess I'll just crash on your couch. I shouldn't be driving anyway."

"I though you would be to busy talking to that hot guy at the bar to notice I had even left." I wriggled my eyebrows suggestively at her.

"I would never forget about you." She said, playfully pushing me.

"So, tell me all about this guy."


Before we knew it we had reached my house, chatting happily. This person Lexi had met was called Duane, and he seemed to be perfect. Kind of too perfect in my opinion, I would have to interview him anther time. Lexi walked into the front door and collapsed on my couch straight away.

"I'm so tired!" She groaned, one hand dramatically resting on her forehead and the other flopping over the side of the couch.

"Oh poor baby. Did that ten minute walk wear you out?" I teased throwing my handbag onto the kitchen table. She laughed and sat upright, fluffing her hair in her hands.

"It's alright if I crash here, right Quinn?"

"Even if I say no will it stop you?"

"Probably not." I opened up the hallway closet and threw her a blanket.

"I'm going to bed. Night Lexi. Sweet dreams about Duane." She laughed to herself as I switched off the light.

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