Chapter 18

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I sit in the passenger seat of Levis car. The rain is falling heavily and the window wipers are going at full speed. The car is silent except for the hissing of water. My single suitcase is in the back seat, I don't have many belongings, I had to sell a lot of my stuff for some extra money. I put my hands into the pocket of my jacket, the tips of my fingers brush across a cool canister.  I instinctively wrap my hand around it and clench down on the medication.

Sometimes it feels like my anti depressants are the only things keeping my grounded and sane. If I was to loose them,  I feel like my life would spin out of control and I'd go back to that dark place again. 

In all honest I feel like I've been thrown down a hole. A dark pit with no ladder, and I try and I scramble, trying to get up the walls. And when I can almost reach the top I slip and tumble back down, stuck and staring hopefully back up at the sky.

I unconsciously let out a sigh. This catches Levis attention, "Is everything okay?" My head snaps from the window to face him, the break in silence tearing me from my thoughts and catching me off guard.

"Sorry, yeah everything's fine. I just can't believe I'm moving in with you. I know it's only for a little while, but-"

"You can stay as long as you want, Quinn. Honestly." I feel my throat clench slightly as I'm overwhelmed with the need to cry.

It's not long until the car slowly pulls into the carpark of a small apartment building. Levi switches the engine off and the car growls to a stop. Levi opens his door and climbs out, I follow suit, shutting my door behind me. I open the back door and take my suitcase, as Levi locks the car I walk over to him.

"Here, let me take your bag." He says reaching out his hand with a warm smile. I shake my hand and instinctively flinch away from him. A glimpse of a frown sparks across his face and he let's out a quiet "oh".

"Sorry, it's just I'd rather carry it." He turns around.

"Yeah, sure okay. Follow me."

I do as I'm told and we enter the building instantly we reach a flight of stairs. He walks up a few steps before turning to look down at me.

I'm trying to wheel my suitcase up the steps, it's not heavy but I have little muscle and it's an awkward process. My back is turned to him as I try to pull the suitcase up the steps. "This is ridiculous, let me take it Quinn, please." I feel his presence behind me and he reaches his arm around my waist to take the bag. His hand brushes mine for a moment as he takes the handle, the contact shocks me and I release. I turn around to see him already heading up the steps. I follow him up quietly, wiping my sweaty palms on my pants.

When we reach the top of the stairs my legs ache slightly. "I know the walk is hard at first," He says "but it gets easier. Trust me." He stops outside a door with the number 24 written on it. He scrambles in his pockets briefly before pulling out a set of keys,  he opens the door and I follow him inside. 

The room is nicer than  I thought it would be. I assumed a college student living alone wouldn't be able to afford a very nice place, but he can. We entered into a living room, I can see the kitchen in the next room.  Everything is modernly styled and clean looking. To the right there is an open hallway which I assume leads to the bedrooms, bathroom and laundry.

"You have a nice place." I comment, my eyes scanning the artwork and furniture. He smiles slightly, running a hand through his hair.

"Thanks, my parents own the building so I get to stay here super cheap, as long as I keep it clean and keep my grades up." I look over at him and he clears his throat. "Uh your room is down the hall, I'll show you."

The bedroom is basic, a double bed, desk and set of drawers. "Thank you." I say as he lays my suitcase down on the bed. I notice his cheeks flush a slight pink and he smiles again.

"No worries at all, make yourself at home. It will be nice to have a roommate again." His goofy grin causes me to smile back slightly.  This seems to catch him off guard because his words stumble over each other, he says something about leaving me to settle in before leaving me alone in the room.

Suddenly enveloped again by silence I fall backwards onto the bed, my legs bending at the edge. I lift my hand to my forehead and swear to myself.

I hope to myself that I don't drag him into my problems.

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