Chapter 11

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I untangled myself from Duane's arms and climbed out of the bed. I walked over to a large window and gazed into it. Up on the second floor of Duane's house I got a better view of really how far away I was from everything. Society, family, friends, just everything. My stomach started twisting painfully, I missed everyone so much it hurt. I missed Cassandra, Damien, Lexi, but I couldn't get Lexi back. I wouldn't ever see her again. She was gone. Forever. I heard footsteps pad across the floor towards me. The stopped just behind me, two arms wrapping around my waist.
"What's up?" I sighed.
"I miss everyone back home."
"You have me."
"But I miss my other friends too, Duane."
"When I feel like you really love me back, I will call your friends and invite them over. We would have to tell them a lie about me kidnapping you of course, we don't want them to call the police and have them separate us." He rested his head on my shoulder, gazing out the window also.
"What do we do about Lexi? She dated you."
"I never met any of Lexi's friends. We can always say Lexi ran away with her Duane, the fact that I have the same name is purely coincidental." He smirked at me through the reflection on the glass. I sighed and pulled away from him, walking back over to the shirt he gave me. I picked it up and pulled it on over my head.
"I'm going to be here a while, right?"
"Can I get some clothes then? I want to be as comfortable as possible. Also, I kinda don't have any pants." He laughed and faced me, tilting his head to the side.
"Now why on earth would you want pants?" He teased.
"Duane. Please." He sighed and started pulling on his clothes. He then walked out of the room and down the stairs. I trailed after him, twisting down the staircase and following him to the front door. He grabbed his wallet from a little table beside the door and walked outside. I went to follow him but he stopped me.
"You're staying here." He demanded.
"But I want to come."
"No. You're staying here, and like I said-"
"Don't even think about escaping." I interrupted, mimicking him. "How will you even know if the clothes fit me though?"
"I will have to make an educated guess, won't I? If they don't fit, well, you'll just have to stick with only that shirt." He gave me an evil smile before closing the door, locking it behind him. I sighed angrily and walk into the living room. Through the large windows I saw him climb into his car and drive down the almost hidden dirt path. I sighed and buried my hands in my face.
I could totally escape now.

But I won't.

What if he bumps into me when he is driving back?

Then he would send me back down to the basement and never let me out again.

I can't go back down there.

Not with Lexi and Harley.

I sighed again and fell back onto the couch. I decided I'd time how long it would take for him to get back from the shops. That way I'll be able to estimate the rough walking time it'll take to get me to civilization after I kill him. I'm knew it wasn't going to be easy for me to kill Duane. I had to though, I knew it would be the only way to escape and let people know about Lexi, Harley, and what else had happened in this hell hole. After roughly two hours of watching rubbish television, I saw Duanes' car approaching in the distance. I walked over to the window and watched his vehicle pull up the drive. He climbed out of his car and entered the front door, slamming it shut angrily behind him. As soon as he entered the house I knew something was wrong, I felt it in the angry aura that came with him. He hastily grabbed me by the arms and shoved me against a wall, his eyes are so fierce and so wild that I shriveled up on the inside.
"What the fuck did you do?" He hissed.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I whispered, I was terrified. I had never seen him that mad, not even when he killed people were his eyes that ferocious.
"Bullshit!" He let go of my arm with one hand, balling it into a fist and slamming it through the wall right next to my face. I scream as his fist smashed through, sending plaster falling to the floor. He pulled it out placed it back on arm again, grasping so tightly he was cutting off circulation.
"Duane, please." I begged, my voice barley audible.
"There are pictures of you all over town! Missing posters! Everyone knows of your disappearance! Everyone!" My heart stopped in my chest. Oh my god. It wasn't over yet. People were looking for me. People knew I was missing. And then, I did something that I will regret for the rest of my life. I smiled. Duane's grip tightened.
"You're smiling?" He said painfully calmly. "Does this amuse you?" The smile vanished almost as quickly as it came.
"No, Duane no."
"They will take you away if they find you."
"I realize that now. Duane, I promise I didn't tell anyone anything about this. Nobody knows I am here. It must have just been my friends assuming the worst. Damien has always been like that." His brow crinkled with what looked like jealousy.
"Who's Damien?"
"My friend."
"How did you meet him?" I smirked.
"A bit jealous are we?"
"I ask the questions Quinn."
"You need to calm down. He's engaged to my other friend. He's no threat to you." Duane didn't say anything for a few long minutes. His grip not loosening on me, his mind showed he was in a far off place, deep in thought.
"I've booked us plane tickets. We are flying to London in three days."
"It's not safe enough here. Not for us. We can be together in London. Nobody will know about our past." He let go of my arms and disappeared up the steps. I lean back against the wall, massaging the bruises forming where he gripped me.

Oh no

How will I get away now?

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