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✧˖*°࿐˗ˏˋ chapter 12 ˎˊ˗

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˗ˏˋ chapter 12 ˎˊ˗

chatters from the students filled the cafeteria room. everyone was so busy getting their lunches. good thing you got to get out of class early, if not, you would've been standing in the long line of people just before the vending machines or the counter.

"strawberry milk, huh?" tsukishima looked at the box you placed before him.

this was your move for the day. taking it nice and easy was the way to surely win his heart over.

"yeah, it's for you." you said like it wasn't much of a big deal but to be honest, inside, you were freaking out.

it would definitely hurt your ego if you backed out and you were the type to stand by your words.

"this is your move?"

"my third one."

his eyebrows furrowed.

"what do you mean?"

"confessing and that strawberry milk you accepted, the only one you chose out of all the gifts you got from your fangirls."

this was actually your fourth move. the letter, no, you weren't going to tell him about that. that letter was too personal and cringey if you think about it. plus, it's a win because you didn't even write your name on it.

"ah. that one."

"how sweet!" tanaka teased, looking at the both of you with heart eyes. "this could be us kiyoko." he said while wiggling his eyebrows.

"don't push it." shimizu coldly answered.

nishinoya just laughed before fixing his blazer.

"you got a lot to learn from me, tanaka."

"you aren't getting kiyoko either."

the two accidentally started a fight in the table. you had forgotten of the others' existence since you were so caught up on collecting your guts just to make a simple move.

opening your calculus textbook, you tried your best to just focus on one thing at a time. giving tsukishima a gift, finished. making a move, finished. study for a quiz, well... in progress.

you looked like a lost puppy, eyes scanning the paper filled with text and numbers, clearly perplexed. that's how you looked to tsukishima. you didn't notice it but he was stealing glances at you out of curiosity.

giving him strawberry milk did improve his mood a bit. he had been dealing with a lot of things lately, mostly figuring out a way to turn those persistent fangirls down and of course, brother issues.

akiteru was over the moon when he found out that tsukishima has joined the karasuno volleyball team. with that, he just can't help but show kei love and affection everytime he saw him.

it's a nuisance.

that's what he thought.

back to the present, he actually planned on helping you study. yachi had told him how you were having a bit of a hard time with math, especially calculus. yachi was trying to be a match maker but tsukishima didn't mind at all. he'd get excuses just to spend time with you.

"read the problem and assess your variables." he finally spoke up.

you turned your eyes to him.

"rule out any other words that aren't essential to solving the problem."

reading the problem again, you sighed.

"i still don't get it."

tsukishima let out a breath before taking the empty  seat to your right. without a word, he takes the textbook out of your hands and scans the problem calmly.

"ah. this one's easy." he shrugged before crossing his arms. "can't believe you don't know the answer."

"spare me the lecture and just tell me the answer." you grabbed the textbook away from him and got your pen ready.

tsukishima clicked his tongue while shaking his head in disapproval. he was definitely belittling you, finding it funny how you can't solve the question.

in reality, it wasn't an easy question like he said. it was a difficult one. it took him maybe a minute or two to get the answer. it was understandable that you find it confusing. the blonde just wanted to get on your nerves.

"what will you do for me in return?"

"i just gave you milk." you blinked.

"give me something more than that."

ten minutes left before lunch break ends. ten minutes left before the quiz starts. looking at your watch, you were on the verge of breaking down.

"i'll get you whatever you want."

he wasn't still satisfied with your answer.


you racked your brain, trying to finds ways to woo him. what does he like? what does he want you to do?


"i'll make you dino cookies! that's it! now please tell me the answer!"

feeling satisfied, tsukishima chuckled in victory before putting his left arm on your chair, bringing him closer to you, his right arm, reaching to the pen you were holding.

"the answer's two." he whispered. he didn't have to say the answer out loud. he was so close to you. his face just beside your right ear, you can literally hear him breathing.

all thoughts are clouded. his and yours. he wasn't in control of what he's doing, but one thing's for sure, he was liking it and not to be denied, you were too. you just sat still, not knowing how to react.

your heart had started to beat faster, you felt your cheeks and ears get hot, your hands went cold.

"t-thank you." you let out, barely making a sound.

"man, i think we should be learning from tsukishima. look at this dude! you see the effect he has on y/n?" tanaka suggested, tugging at nishinoya's arm who was also watching the scene happening at the table.

hearing tanaka's loud voice was enough to snap whatever trance both of you were in. tsukishima immediately scurried off to his seat just infront of you as he ran his fingers through his hair, obviously flustered for the first time and you cleared your throat in embarrassment, quickly writing the answer.

"kiyoko, do you need some help in any of the subjects?" nishinoya asked while sitting and gazing at the gorgeous third year who was just peacefully eating her lunch.

"no. i'm fine."

rejected were the two of kiyoko's admirers. they'd have to come up with better ways to pursue her.

but you and tsukishima weren't. what happened just a while ago was something else. both of you didn't know what it was. it just felt right, being so close to each other without bickering for once.

maybe it's time to set a truce.

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