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✧˖*°࿐˗ˏˋ chapter 1 ˎˊ˗

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˗ˏˋ chapter 1 ˎˊ˗

wearing a pout, you mentally groaned. you felt like your feet were starting to hurt since you've been walking for around thirty minutes.

your house was a few minutes away from karasuno highschool when walking. you considered biking to school but you didn't know how to and you couldn't be bothered to learn how to ride a bike. you really had no choice but to walk to school.

after walking for five more minutes, you begin to see the buildings of karasuno highschool and you stopped in your tracks, just in front of the entrance.

"wow." you breathed out as you take in your surroundings.

students were walking around, and you can see some first-years getting themselves familiarized with the buildings. the school was not that huge but it wasn't small either. it was just the perfect size for a lot of students.

you enter the school and you start to feel lonely and shy. you transferred to this school alone so you didn't know anyone and truth to be told, you were not a social person and you have a pretty hard time making friends. you pursed your lips in anticipation for this school year.

"i bet this year's going to be boring. tsukishima's not here..." you whispered to yourself before you begin walking, heading to the main building to find where your classroom is.

you walk the halls of the main building, just like other first-years, you were searching for your classroom like a lost puppy. you were in class 5 and your schedule says that your first class will start in ten minutes.

feeling panicked about how short your time is before classes start, you started to walk faster, glancing at every room you pass, barely paying attention to the students that bumped into you that was until a blonde girl with short hair ran into you and you both fell on the floor.

"ouch!" both of you say in unison. you rubbed your forehead before looking up to see the girl doing the same.

"i'm sorry! i wasn't looking where i was going." you apologized to the girl before helping her stand up.

"i-it's fine! i'm s-sorry too... i was just really rushing to find out where class 5 is."

your eyes widen as you held her hands and smiled at her.

"i'm in class 5 too! let's look for it together!"

she cracked a smile and nodded vigorously.

"s-sure! i'm yachi hitoka by the way!" she introduces herself as you take a good look at her. she seemed to be a bit smaller than you. she wore colourful star hairclips/hairbands on her left side ponytail which made her look really cute.

"i'm (f/n) (l/n)! it's nice to meet you!"

and with that, you both continue to find class 5. you arrived just in time and you both take a seat next to each other since the teacher let everyone sit wherever they want.

since it's the first day of school, the class began with introductions. students began introducing themselves and you weren't exactly listening. you were still bummed out about not going to the same school with your long time crush, kei tsukishima.

"are you okay (y/n)-san? you seem distracted." yachi checks on you after seeing that you seemed out of it.

you force out a smile as you nod. "don't worry about me, yachi. i'm doing fine."

after that, you just continued to look out the window, thinking about how you could go through highschool with ease.

hours have passed and it was already lunchtime. you just tagged along with yachi since she was your only friend ever since you came here.

"honey bun?" she offered as she held up a wrapped bun with her left hand.

you smiled at her and nodded. "thanks!"

unwrapping the bun, you saw a familiar blonde hair strolling around the cafeteria. your eyes widen and you immediately stood up in your seat.

i must be tripping.

you thought that that was unusual. you shook your head and closed your eyes tightly before opening them again. and the blonde was still there.

you gasp in surprise as you look at yachi who seemed to be confused about why you were acting so weird.

"be right back, yachi-san! i have to check something!"

you immediately ran to the spot where the blonde is and you froze in your tracks when you saw a dark green haired guy beside the blonde.

"yamaguchi!" you yelled excitedly as you waved your hands like a moron.

yamaguchi turned around and saw you. he began smiling widely as he tugged on tsukishima's blazer. tsukishima on the other hand, just glanced at you and proceeded to buy strawberry milk from the vending machine, not caring about your presence.

you walk up to them and hugged yamaguchi.

"i didn't know you went here!"

you and yamaguchi have been friends since grade school and no, you weren't friends with him because you like his bestfriend. you were friends with him because you and him agree about a lot of things. in fact, you both have similar personalities so that just made the two of you grow close.

"so what class do you belong to?" he asked as you held five of your fingers up to answer.

"class 5! how about you?"

"class 1-4. i'm classmates with tsukki!"

you playfully scrunched your nose as you glanced at tsukishima.

"how lucky!" you whined.

yamaguchi raised one of his eyebrows and smiled widely before whispering.

"you still like him?"

you sigh. "i still do."

as if on cue, tsukishima walked over to where you and yamaguchi was standing.

"oi, what's with the hold up? let's go." he said before walking past yamaguchi, not even greeting you.

yamaguchi looked at you apologetically as you shrugged. you were used to being ignored by tsukishima so you weren't fazed at all.

"it's okay, yamaguchi! you should probably go with him." you both bid your goodbyes as you walked back to where you and yachi was sitting.

"eh? (y/n)-san, you seem happy."

you just put your hands under your chin and looked at the ceiling with heart-eyes.

"i am, yachi-san. i'm very happy to see that the person i like goes here!"

just by hearing those words, yachi sat closer to you, asking you to tell her the whole story. and that's how you spent your lunchtime, telling yachi everything that has happened the past few years and as to why you fell for a salty giant.

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