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/~*~\\ 11 //~*~\

/~*~\\ TOUCH //~*~\

Jisung didn't have the most sincere desire or intention to listen to his father. Seungmin was his best friend, and there was not even a question of giving up such a wonderful relationship that they were building from an early age. They were like fire and water. So different, but they needed each other. They completed each other.

However, Seungmin did a favour to Han Jikyul himself, calling Jisung the day after the incident and announcing that he was sick and would not be at school for some time. Eighteen-years-old understood. After all, everyone catches a virus once in a while. It happens even to the best. Seungmin was sick at least once a month, so Jisung was used to coming back alone at that time.

However, he again came up with the idea of ​​going to the woods and did not even think about how angry Kim and father would be at him if they found out.

As usual, he met the black wolf and watched him from a safe distance, looking into his deep eyes as if trying to communicate. This time, Jisung didn't feel as much fear as before. Maybe it was because of the latitude the beast showed when he lay down with his head high. He radiated melancholic peace at that time, and Jisung had no idea what was on his mind. He didn't realize how many problems and worries the onay was carrying on his back. However, Minho forgot about everything, seeing plump cheeks and round eyes so focused on him.

- Your wounds have healed. I'm glad - Lee would smile if he was in human form at these words. His stomach flipped, and his body would be engulfed by pleasant warmness, as if someone were pouring hot tea into it on a winter day to warm it. He didn't even realize when his tail gently swayed from side to side from excitement, and then the cheerful giggle of the boy made his ears move forward, and he was immediately wagging his tail more vigorously. - Sometimes I get the impression that you understand what I'm saying to you.

If only you'd know...

Jisung took an uncertain step forward (while looking like a duck, because he was still crouching), carefully watching the wolf, who was looking lost and fearful at his actions. He froze. Seeing no disturbing reaction, Jisung came even closer until he was within reach of the animal.

Minho put his ears to himself, slightly showing his white fangs. Han swallowed loudly, feeling his lip tremble, but after a moment of thinking he closed his eyelids tightly and his hand slowly reached towards Minho, who felt his heart hit his ribs with a surprising force. The delicate skin met with rough fur, and both boys felt a kind of electrical impulse pierce their bodies. The chocolate-haired opened his eyes in amazement, and a sincere, radiant smile entered on his lips as he stroked the place between the ears of the wolf more confidently. Minho was staring at him like he was a picture, glad that such a small act made him happy.

Minho's gaze wandered over the younger's neck covered with gauze and snarled instantly, making Han flinch, withdrawing his hand a little. Minho put his nose close to the wound, carefully absorbing the smell and analysing the entirety.

Jisung panicked.

Horror paralysed his limbs, so he was unable to make any move. That's it. He will tear my throat. Why were you so dumb, Jisung?!

Minho looked closely and growled again directly into his ear, which caused the younger to swallow the lump in his throat.

He avoided it, but it's still horribly close. Lee felt awful. He let Seungmin bite into his property and leave his smell on him. He wanted to exchange it with his own here and now, tell everybody that Han Jisung belongs to Lee Minho, but that wasn't the time nor place for that.

He sighed helplessly, then noticed Jisung's body trembling, and he was immediately struck by guilt. He scared him again. He looked at his face twisted in terror with a little hesitation. Eyelids clasped tightly and lower lip between his teeth.

His instinct, especially during this time of a month, took over him, and after a while, a rough tongue was found on the boy's neck, as delicately as he could, licking the skin around the gauze.

A shocked, muffled squeak escaped from the lips of an eighteen-year-old, and a specific shiver went down his spine.

Jisung, feeling something wet on his skin, immediately widened his eyes and noticed the black wolf calmly licking this place.

For him, it didn't mean more than a gesture of trust, but for Minho it was more intimate. He could have sworn that his face would be enveloped by a juicy blush in his human form.

When he felt a hand stroking his shoulder blade, he relaxed slightly, after a while pushing aside and sitting opposite the boy in embarrassment. He could be pleased with himself, because all the unwanted smell he had exchanged for his, but he knew well that this situation should never take place.

- Do you have a name, wolf? – sudden question from Jisung, who adorably tilted his head to the side with intrigue, snatched him out of the ocean of unpleasant thoughts. He had no idea how to answer, so he nodded twice, which made Jisung move his chin back. That made the onay laugh. He snorted under his breath and wagged his tail enthusiastically. – Really? So you have an owner?

He nodded once again and immediately regretted his decision, when he saw the sadness brimming Jisung's eyes. Minho wanted to change and hold him tight, explaining that-

A sudden, annoying sound reached his ears, and the onay felt his stomach clench. He lowered his head in humiliation, when a loud laughter echoed through the woods, turning his attention to the amused younger.

- Are you hungry? – Jisung asked, calming his breathing. – I'll bring you something.

Minho looked at him as he hopped towards the house, probably for something to eat. Then he decided that it was the perfect opportunity to come back home. He wasn't supposed to leave the lair for those few days anyway, but he had to see him to be able to make it through the cycle peacefully. In this way he calmed his senses and was sure that when they were uncontrollable, he would be able to resist the need to make Jisung completely his. In addition, he had to focus on getting food for himself and the rest of the pack. Changbin couldn't do it alone, and Chan had enough worries on his mind. Minho felt obliged as a second-in command and friend to help them at least a little bit. He tried not to think about what disappointment he made Jisung feel when he fled again. He only hoped he wouldn't hate him for that.

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