73. WE CAN'T

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/~*~\\ 73 //~*~\

/~*~\\ WE CAN'T //~*~\

Minho ran as fast as his legs could carry him.

He had a feeling that Jisung was waiting for him and targeted their cave as soon as he made sure he lost his tail.

The hunters had given up when he was out of sight, so he was calmer, though his heart still beat at an alarming rate when his thoughts turned to a certain chocolate-haired boy.

He had no idea if Jisung would face consequences for what he had done, and he would never forgive himself if something happened to him for trying to help the wolf.

As soon as he entered, he caught the strong scent of a troubled twenty-year-old, and his black fluffy antenna automatically swung from side to side like a metronome pendulum, tapping out the rhythm of his life-giving blood pump stuck under the hard shield of his ribs.

Jisung was going around in circles, running his teeth along his lower lip in all sorts of ways, probably hurting it by peeling off the skin.

He didn't even notice the great beast entering the slightly darkened interior of the cave. The only light was the rays of the sun breaking through the thick, gray clouds outside, which did not even reach every corner, only strongly illuminating the front and transforming into complete darkness already halfway through the cave.

Minho smiled, seeing such a worried boy and sneakily approached him from behind, then pushed his buttock with his nose.

Han let out a startled squeak and jumped about two meters forward, grabbing the affected spot with fear in his eyes.

- Minho! - Jisung puffed out his cheeks reproachfully, but he couldn't hide the happiness that shone in his eyes at the sight of the wolf in one piece.

A moment later, he stretched out his arms and wrapped them tightly around the onay's fluffy neck, burying his nose in its fur, wanting to feel its pleasant warmth.

- You're okay, aren't you? They didn't get you? - Han moved back a bit, grabbing the sides of his head and twisting it from side to side, quite intensely looking for any wounds.

Minho meowed happily and nuzzled his cheek, which sent him gently backwards, then pawed him to the ground and lay down on top of him, vigorously licking his face as the tail whirled like a helicopter propeller, showing his excitement.

- M-Minho, Sto-stop. It tickles - Jisung chuckled, hands trying unsuccessfully to push the animal's mouth away.

Lee reminded him at that moment of a house pup greeting his owner after a long stay at work. It's like he hasn't seen him in a month. Jisung felt as if Minho was his pet, and this fact made his face glow much more, making it illuminate the semi-darkness of the cave.

Jisung could see Minho trying to tell him that he was worried about his safety, and that only melted his heart like the sun the remnants of wet snow left here and there still outside.

– You're he-heavy, Minho.

- Thank you for being okay - Minho took his human form, still lying on top of the younger, fingers intertwined on his chest and chin resting loosely on top of them.

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