18. HUNT

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/~*~\\ 18 //~*~\

/~*~\\ HUNT //~*~\

"It's stupid to admit it, but the boy has prolonged our lives." Chan grunted as they entered the cave with Minho, who looked at him in surprise and stopped walking for a few seconds. "Were it not for these two bags of meat, the weakest could starve to death, and we would lack the strength to hunt. You can thank him".

"Chan, that was a week ago". Lee laughed, catching up with his alpha, then bumped his side with his body playfully. He drunkenly did a few steps sideways and shook his head cheerfully after walking alongside his beta again. "So..."

"So your meetings may not be such a bad idea". Chan admitted faintly, because it was hard for him to chase his pride into the back of his head, but the satisfaction gushing from the younger rewarded him twice. Before they looked back, they were in the living room, where on the couch they found the charming view of pups cuddling on both sides of Changbin. Felix drooled on the older boy's shoulder, whose head was loosely resting on the tip of Jeongin's hair, who was clenching his fist firmly on the blanket covering them. "They must have been exhausted."

- Hyunjin was in poor shape, what did you expect? Changbin had not slept all week and only two days ago they forced him to lie down, though for a few minutes, pinning him to bed - Minho sighed, shrugging, after having transformed himself. It's not like he didn't care. Hyunjin was a friend and a brother. Someone really close, so it hurt them comparable to pups and Changbin. Except that Changbin was experiencing it much more strongly because of their mental bond.

- He's getting better - Hwanwoong embraced Chan's waist from behind, clinging to his warm back, and rubbed his nose at the mark on his neck, putting him in a pleasant purr under the influence of his mate's touch. Yeo was exhausted by the constant guarding of the younger onay, and the lack of sufficient food only aggravated his fatigue, which was reflected in his health. Sleepy Hwanwoong was like a leech. He clung to Bang and was able to fall asleep standing up, feeling his other half next to him. - He may wake up soon, the wounds look much better, but before he does, we must have something to eat. He will be starving.

- Woong, go rest, Minho and I will go hunting - Chan stroked his hands and dragged him to the couch next to the younger ones. He sat him down and forcibly separated his fingers to free himself from his embrace, to which the older moaned dissatisfied. - Hwanwoong, sleep -Chan commanded, his internal alpha gave the slight order, and Hwanwoong had nothing more than to bow his head and listen to him. It was written in their DNA. It's hard to beat primary instincts, conditioned by genes. - Minho.

Black onay followed the leader without hesitation. He had to admit he's right. Hunting at night, no matter how difficult it would be, was much safer due to the lack of hunters, but on the other hand, other packs could come up with a similar idea, and although it was Chan's territory, other packs counted far more members than their small survivors group and one of their leaders might want to enlarge their territory, while stealing their omegas and killing the rest. Bang's fur stood on his nape and shoulder blades at the thought of any alpha taking his home and family.

"Deer". Minho's voice snapped him out of the cloud of depressive thoughts, and he immediately focused his sharp gaze on four deer sleeping peacefully among the trees. Sad how unaware of their fate they were. Chan looked around, absorbing the surroundings and almost growled with slight fear, seeing how close to their territory they both were. He did not even know that they had come so far that they left their areas and went out to the neutral zone of the forest, but only this way they could run into a group of potential food and did not intend to withdraw. Not if the price of it were the lives of his companions.

"Min, left". Without a word, Lee walked around the victim from the left, quietly, cautiously approaching the doe furthest from the rest and waited for a sign from the leader who was lurking from the other side. When he saw the characteristic flash in the eye of his alpha, he lunged at the croup of the animal, and Chan at the same moment grabbed her throat in his strong jaws.

Awakened by sudden pain, she tried to get up, pull away, but Bang was known for his efficiency and speed. Not wanting to torment the doe for a long time, he tightened his mouth tightly, crushing her windpipe. When the limp body fell to the ground without life, Minho nodded towards the leader, then, grabbing her legs, began to pull her towards the hideout. Chan was tense, worried that before they take her over to the den, someone would sense the carrion and want to take it away from them.

"We can do it. For the pack". Minho, tried to lift his spirits, despite his own anxiety. Their bond allowed them to feel their emotions to a small extent, and the very fact that Chan chose Minho as his right hand, strengthened their bond with each other, which meant that they could read the feelings of the other better than the rest. Chan gave him a grateful look, and after an hour and a half journey, after which their necks would probably hurt, the carrion lay on cold stones, and the alpha with beta were sitting against the wall, panting heavily. They were waiting for the rest of the pack to come greet them, but surprisingly no one came, and it was quiet. Too quiet for their disorganized group, which worried Chan. He called them telepathically, but all he got in response was mixed voices and screams. Chan felt a bubble of fear mixed with panic burst in his body and floods the interior.

Minho felt the same way, but he stared with his frightened eyes into his alpha, hoping he would know what to do. Their ears clung to their bodies and their legs trembled. Bang was determined to find the pack and the first thing he did was sniff the air, because their smells were still inside, which could mean that they didn't leave the cave. He followed the scent of his comrades with a cautious thief's step, Lee followed right after him.

They reached the room in which Hwanwoong was treating the wounded and as soon as they crossed the threshold, their hearts melted with happiness and their paws carried them merrily towards the hugging group.

Changbin sobbed with his nose pressed into his scent gland just below his ear and rubbed it, while Felix placed soft, chaotic kisses on his cheek. Jeongin knelt, embracing the wounded waist of the taller and pushing his face into his stomach, being careful not to hurt him, while Hwanwoong, Bam and Yugyeom wrapped their arms around them from outside.

"Hyunjin!" Chan ran up to him in a wolf form. The rest of the pack immediately gave way to him, except for Changbin, who, whispering a constant apology straight into his ear, didn't deign to leave his side for even a second. Bang nudged his face, then licked it several times, at which the young beta laughed softly, but suddenly bent in half, whining a little. Changbin instinctively growled at Chan, wanting to protect his pup, but the cold, commanding gaze of the head alpha immediately made him lower his head. "The moon favours you. You came back. I wouldn't survive losing one of the pups, losing you. Thank you for surviving, Hyunjin".

"Chan, I'm not a pup anymore, but I'm glad I'm back". Hwang gave them a sincere, radiant smile and stroked Seo's hair, who purred, closing his eyes and leaning into his touch. Minho greeted him, also poking his face with his nose, then let them enjoy themselves. Felix sat behind Hyunjin, clinging to his back like a small koala, Jeongin still wrapped his waist with his nose pressed into his stomach, and Changbin sat across from them, wiping his tears with his wrists, amusing the other three. - Binnie?

- Mhm? He muttered, not feeling able to give a more creative answer.

"Y-you know that Lix and I are no longer pups ..." Hyunjin lowered his head, blushing gently, and Felix, feeling it and catching on what he was talking about, burned the beet, hiding his nose in the crook of his neck.

- I-I know that so what?

"Binnie, Jinnie wants you to mark them". Jeongin muttered into Hyunjin's warm skin, sending slight vibration that caused a pleasant shiver to run along his body. The three of them suddenly fell silent, timidly exchanging small smiles, but Changbin shook his head, saddening Felix and Hyunjin.

"A few more months". He replied innocently bringing the sides of his lips up, and when the others realized that he wanted to wait for Jeongin, their hearts beat harder and once again they exchanged their warmth, entwining the limbs around each other as tightly as possible.

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