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/~*~\\ 26 //~*~\

/~*~\\ PLEASE //~*~\

"Changbin" Changbin's ears shot upright like an antenna, hearing a voice so well known to him.

"Felix! Are you ok? " The warm-grey wolf yelled, his voice lined with concern and a pinch of relief as his paws sank into the snow to bounce off the frozen ground harder and more vigorously, leaving Minho and Bambam behind. The three of them left their hiding place as soon as the calming snowstorm outside allowed them. The more calm it was snowing, the less their blinded senses raged, and they were able to sense exactly where Felix was, which made the bodies of their pack members trembled when they realized how far he had wandered and that they had to rush almost to the very edge of the territory with another pack.

"A-Alpha ..." The powerlessness and fear radiating through their bond drove Seo mad. His eyes turned blood-red, pupils narrowed like those of a hissing cat.

"I know, Lix. Alpha is coming". Changbin tried saying as gentle as possible to him to soothe his nerves a bit, but his internal alpha was taking over and growls kept coming out of his chest.

"Changbin, calm down. We'll be there soon". Minho caught up with the smaller one and stayed by his side, licking his neck on the run, relieving the tension and encouraging him.

All the way he was tormented by emotion, and even the smallest word from Minho or Bambam as to what to do with the intruder could upset him well enough that he was snapping his jaws in their direction, and had it not been for the firmness of their leader's right hand the hierarchy in the pack would have been a bit unsteady. In every other pack, the head alpha was at the forefront, choosing as a substitute another alpha, who equalled him in strength or proved himself in the position of a thinker and helped in the most important decisions. The exceptions were groups with only one alpha, as in the example of Chan's father, where the second in leadership would be some beta. However, their little pack had different rules and Chan chose Minho as his second in command and assistant, as he had lived with him the for a long time and trusted him immensely, which at the same time forced the rest, even Changbin and Bam, who were alphas like Bang Chan, to obey to Minho when the head alpha was absent.

"We're here" Bambam came to a halt in front of them to stop their rushing bodies and nodded at the small opening at the foot of the mountain, from where there was an intense lemon scent, enhanced by the amount of stress Felix was now experiencing. Seo couldn't believe that if it weren't for Bam, he would have missed it. "Let's get this done quickly. I want to go back to Yugie "




Felix was lying against the wall a long way from the two of them hugging, who were trying hard to keep warm, and he was covering his nose with his paw, watching them with fear visible in his eyes. He only hoped that the storm would pass quickly, and he would be able to return home, despite how offended he felt at Changbin's words. He had no idea how much time had passed, but the guys in front of him were slowly falling asleep, their heads resting against each other. Steady, calm breaths filled the grotto, and white steam escaped from their mouths, vanishing in no time as if nothing had happened. Felix got up on trembling legs, succumbing to his curiosity, and as silently as he could, he approached the sleeping two. One of them smelled of a faint mint, definitely dominated by the strong chocolate smell of the other, however this little note was still catchable, which only drew the beige wolf closer due to Minho, whose coat was always soaked in a bit of his scent after meeting him. The boy was shivering from cold, even in his friend's embrace, which worried the little omega and his senses told him to choke him with his fur to warm him up and not let him freeze, even though it was not a threat to him, because he looked much better than when they entered the cave. He watched the taller snoring softly, and then Felix subtly lowered his nose to the reddened cheek of the chocolate-haired to nudge it gently. Then, like a bolt from the blue, he felt a tightness on his muzzle and a soft, scared squeak escaped straight from his chest. He tried to pull himself out of Seungmin's firm grasp, which he had no sincere desire to loosen. His pupils widened and narrowed alternately in fear, and paws buckled under the weight of red irises, drilling holes in him. He might have expected it, and he was aware that Seungmin would not have allowed him to get close to the petite boy he cared for, yet he succumbed to his instincts.

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