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- Seungmin! Just in time for dinner - the younger Alpha jumped in place, accidentally biting his cheek from the inside, after a while he was able to feel a metallic aftertaste, indicative of the wound there, from which the hot onay's blood was oozing.

All because of a well-known joyful scream that reached his sensitive ears.

Hongjoong was giving him a wide smile, glad to see him, while tossing little Sinbit gently to correct her a little on his hip.

Seungmin, noticing her smiling face, immediately thought about how much she resembled Seonghwa, whom he always compared to toothless.

Sinbit was a miniature version of him, only inheriting from his father that warm gleam in the eye as the excitement touched their hearts.

One innocent chuckle of the younger Kim's niece was enough to chase away the dark, storm clouds accumulating above his head, and all the overwhelming thoughts that plagued the mind and heel-biting guilt faded into the background, giving way to adoration of the girl.

- Can you keep an eye on her? I'll run to tell them to make one more portion.

- Joong, I won't eat with you - Kim said dryly, stretching out his hands involuntarily to be able to grasp her tiny body.

Sinbit chuckled charmingly, closing and opening her hands towards her uncle, and a squeaky "Minmin!" came from between her tiny lips.

Hongjoong lifted the corner of his mouth at the sight, and his wolf purred in satisfaction at seeing such a wonderful interaction between two people dear to him.

- I'm going back soon, I just wanted to say hi.

- You hate living here so much? I'm sure dad too...

- Don't get dad into this. We live well in Yecheon - Seungmin said flatly and pinched Sinbit's cheek mockingly, then she immediately grasped his fingers in a bone-breaking grip and stuck them in her mouth, then clenched her pin-sharp teeth.

- Sinbit, you're mean - Kim hissed, tearing his hand away as his brother's loud laughter spread across the hall, spreading rose-coloured flushes on the younger's cheeks, and a wave of embarrassment ran from the top of his head to his toes.

- I want to Daddy! - The little girl screamed in annoyance, frowning angrily and squirming in his hands with a disgusted grimace as if she had got a great deal of harm just for Hongjoong to take her back, and when he did take her into his safe arms, she stuck her tongue out at the unkind uncle, then pushed her nose in a safe hollow of her father's neck as if to protect her from him. - Minmin is bad.

- She took after her mother - Seungmin snorted in disappointment, massaging his sore fingers as a sudden pain spread over his arm.

He turned to see Seonghwa standing behind him with one hand on his hip and one eyebrow raised pretentiously.

He could still feel the tingling on his shoulder from his gentle blow, and he cursed under his breath, feeling the conversation wasn't going to be very friendly. At least not for him.

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