15. MEAT

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/~*~\\ 15 //~*~\

/~*~\\ MEAT //~*~\

Minho did not expect to get to the place and meet a man waiting for him, whose smell once again irritated him. He should deal with it, looking at the number of times Jisung came in smelling like him. However, he was influenced by the fact that someone else had the right to scent Han Jisung, and not Lee Minho himself, to whom the above-mentioned should belong.

Deep down, Minho was grateful to Bambam, but at the same time he hated him. If it wasn't for him, he probably would not have even known about the existence of the hunter's son until they met on the battlefield, and they would not particularly have achieved the tragic result they had now. However, it happened and no one could reverse it, at most they could delay the whole process, or kill one of them to completely erase the entire case from the chronicles, which was unlikely ...

Minho felt a wave of warmth when on the younger's face a joyful smile found his way when he saw him, and he just wanted to kiss all over the boy's round face. Jisung was squatting, as usual, one and a half meters from a tree with his chin on his palms. Bright, worn jeans and a thin red jacket, barely maintaining his body temperature this autumn evening, contrasted terribly with each other, but in Lee's eyes they created an interesting and striking composition.

Jisung dug something out of his backpack and a strange sound, as if the torn foil tenderly moved the black wolf's ears, but the smell that later hit his nostrils awakened a hungry beast hiding inside.

The pupils narrowed, and the whole world slowed down, making the fast beating heart look like it was ripped out of a film about a supersonic speed. His deep breath, whistling through the nose and the clatter of paws pierced the surroundings, and his senses said one "food".

Minho pinned Jisung to the ground, claws digging into his shoulders, making Han moan painfully, closing one eye as if trying to remain calm despite the torture he was enduring. Minho bared sharp fangs at the terrified boy and, like a monster without reason, abruptly lowered his head, opening his jaws and clenching his teeth on soft meat, savouring the taste and rawness of his food. When he swallowed a large piece that his muzzle received, his stomach immediately made a characteristic growl. Then his gaze went down and in a split second Minho understood what he did.

Panic covered his sight, and the claws anchored in the bloody shoulders of the trembling eighteen-year-old hid immediately. Lee jumped away from him, feeling tears welling up.

He didn't want it. He wounded him and killed all the trust that was building between them with his lack of control over his impulses and survival instincts.

Jisung sobbed, stepping back under the tree itself, pushing with his legs and hands at the dirty ground, not caring whether his butt was rubbing against the forest floor or not. The fear Minho felt in him was one hundred percent understandable. If Han had not pulled out a piece of chicken in time and had not covered his face with it, he would have been lying, like a slender man, dead. However, instead of a white sock on his head, his face or what's left would be burgundy and wet.

Jisung hugged himself,his palms pressed against the wounds on his shoulders, eyes filled with fearstaring at the black wolf. He watched his actions, as if afraid that thechicken wouldn't be enough and the starving beast would want to completelysatisfy his hunger.However, Minho felthis breath catch in his throat, and the panic hit harder and harder, squeezinghis heart, which suffered enough at the sight of the little boy huddled under atree. He whined, curling his tail under him, then bent his legs, keeping hishead low to the ground. He wanted to apologize and make it up to him. Regainhis trust, he would even let him kill himself if that meant that he wouldforgive him.I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Han Jisung, I amso, so sorry...

- S-sorry... - Minho raised his head in shock. Disbelief enveloped his green eyes as Jisung lifted the corners of his lips in a barely visible smile. Why did he apologize to him? He did nothing wrong. On the contrary, he almost lost his face, and his arms probably hurt like a bitch.I... I should've g-give it t-to you a l-lot earlier.


- If I g-gave you this e-earlier, you w-wouln't sta-arve for so l-long...- the younger whispered, still shivering like a jelly on a plate, which someone was intentionally shaking to laugh at the movement. His voice was weak and barely audible, every sentence was breaking because of his sobbing and nerves.

The world doesn't deserve you, Han Jisung. You're too good, too pure.

Minho took two steps forward, then stopped and hesitantly looked at his reaction. Jisung as if he read his mind, answered slightly above whisper 'That's okay, c-come closer...' and that was enough for Minho to nudge the boy's damp cheek by his humid nose. This made Han flinch, shutting his eyelids instantly with a little whimper. Jisung took his trembling hand from his hurt shoulder and put it on the wolf's nape, patting slowly his rough fur, ready to take it back any moment.

Another murmur, this time more filled with something like pleasure, broke through his suffering whimpers as a rough, warm tongue licked his wound on his uncovered shoulder. He tilted his head back, colliding with the bark of the tree, and breathed quickly, feeling a whole new sensation.

Minho realized how it affected the younger, only when a small fist gripped his fur quite tightly, and another moaning tickled his ears. Then he gave up everything and with big eyes examined his red face, half-closed eyes and slightly ajar lips. Had it not been for the wolf form, Minho would have raised the corner of his mouth slyly and began to mock Jisung because of this, but he only nudged the younger's cheek with his nose hard so that his head turned sideways, and rational thinking activated the cogs in his brain again.

Jisung sighed loudly, his eyes wide open, his face blush even more juicy, just as his ears. That evening, beta learned something new about people. Activities that are completely normal in their wolf society have a different and atypical impact on those beings that are supposedly at the end of the food chain.

Han Jisung, maybe you're not that innocent after all...

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