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/~*~\\ 22 //~*~\

/~*~\\ SORRY //~*~\

Jisung opened his eyelids lazily, meeting the well-known white ceiling of his chaotic-looking room, then rubbed his eyes with his wrists and with a characteristic grunt stretched out on the bed, straightening both legs and arms as far as his body allowed him. His gaze stared at the grey wall with a new acquisition from the previous evening. A white stain that was supposed to represent snow and red streaks that defile its impeccability.

His stomach made an unpleasant sound at the thought, and Han had to put his hand to his mouth, feeling the last meal recur. He managed to stop the incoming vomit by swallowing the lump in his throat several times, then went to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. That morning, he didn't take anything in his mouth and decided to go to school with an empty stomach a lot earlier than he normally would, hoping that he would not encounter either Seungmin or any other living being on the road.

He was surprised how well he endured the sight of such a massacre. Despite the lack of appetite or nausea and trouble falling asleep, he felt quite well, maybe it was due to his genes. After all, he belonged to the Han family, which, according to his father, is one of the first hunters that existed, their blood is almost boiling at the thought of killing wolves. At least that's what Jikyul explained to him. The only problem was Jisung. He simply didn't feel it. All this hatred and the urge to kill. Jisung liked the black wolf more than he wanted, and he didn't feel bad about it at all. Besides, all these trainings for the new leader? Han wanted to make fun of him. For so long, he didn't even know what was in the woods or how important his family was, or even the fact that he was to take over after his father. As if they could not tell him earlier and tame him with weapons since childhood, or at least make him realize that one day it will happen. He had no idea why they were haunting the poor wolves so much that they do not even leave the forest and starve, having no chance to hunt anything, judging by the last situation when they attacked them while hunting.

An involuntary smile crept into his mouth at the thought of the black mass of fur that defended him against his companion, and his heart beat harder for a moment, as if someone had hit the gong during the new year. However, just in a next second the sad curvature replaced the pleasant expression on his face when he saw before his eyes the white, larger, probably their leader who was with all his strength trying to defend the other two. Like his big paws had Jikyul's arms pressed to the ground, and his jaws snapped a few times in warning straight into the hunter's frightened eyes. The sound of the shot, which unfortunately turned out to be accurate and hurt his leg, still boomed in Jisung's ears, giving him chills.

- Good morning, Jisung - Han blinked several times, ripped out of his small bubble of memories and thoughts by a rather high voice next to him. His eyes went to a middle-aged woman with a proud smile and black long hair tied in a bun. Her body was adorned with a beige suit with a white V-neck shirt. - Why so early today?

- Good morning, Mrs. Park - the boy bowed gently, wanting to give her due respect, then paused, wondering how to respond to his nice English teacher. - I didn't look at the hour when I left the house - Jisung laughed artificially, but the woman didn't seem to notice his anxiety and smiled back, patting him on the shoulder as she passed his slightly shorter person.

- Then we'll see each other in English in two hours.

Jisung sighed with relief and went to the cafeteria to sit back at one of the tables, then put the side of his head on his shoulder, his arm stretched the entire length of the table, and closed his eyes. He didn't sleep well that night, but the school seemed perfect to rest. He had the impression that all the things that had happened so far did not reach him here, and he could relax, giving a peaceful nap. Suddenly the whole table shivered and the bench buckled under someone's weight. Jisung licked his lips several times and raised his eyes in surprise, noticing Seungmin looking like a beaten dog next to him and drilling his beer pupils into Jisung's skull with determination.

- If I apologize to you again, will you run away this time too? - Kim twisted his way to face him. The obstructing bench was between his legs when he threw one outside and sat astride it, firmly holding the seat in his hands.

Jisung was cold sweating, and the mind shouted "run," despite the fact that he wanted them to be as before. He didn't understand himself. He cared about Kim Seungmin, like no one else in the world, and yet he was afraid to accept his apology. He saw how sorry he was of what he did. Every day he tried to buy in his favours and fix everything, and Jisung? He either ran away or ignored all the treats he left on his bench with various cards, and then watched the reaction that caused the chocolate-haired boy.

- Jisung, I'm really sorry. I don't know what got into me. I just wanted to protect you and - Seungmin said everything in one breath, as if fearing that at any moment Han would get up and run out of the room, leaving his poor heart in heavy knots of regret. However, Jisung only sighed and looped his shaking arms around Kim, surprising him and bringing a happy smile to his lips. Seungmin immediately placed his hands on his back and pulled him as much as he could, dipping his nose in his neck and drawing on the pleasant scent of mint shampoo.

- Let's skip lessons, I want you to explain everything to me - Jisung whispered, not distracting himself from his friend and enjoying his warmth that always fascinated him. Whenever he cuddles up to him or even grabs his hand, no matter how cold it is outside, he always kept the same body temperature, to which on winter evenings Han loved to stuck like a small koala.

- Your father will kill me - Seungmin laughed, but got up with the shorter at his side, and shuffled like a penguin to the exit. - How much I like to hug you, it's a little inconvenient going when you hang on me.

- Shut up and go - Jisung grunted, digging his chin into his shoulder, at which Seungmin scowled slightly, then the shorter one released him, pushing him with his hip.

- Where are we going?

- To the forest! - Han exclaimed, revealing two rows of white teeth, and extended his hand high up, raising his index finger as if pointing at a target that was not actually there. Seungmin's eyes widened, and he grabbed his wrist, forcing him to stop and turn towards him. - What?

- We're not going to the forest.

- Yes we do - Jisung replied with determination and frowned, emphasizing seriousness.

- we are not. Going. To. The. Forest. Jisung! - Seungmin hissed through his teeth, deepening his grip, making Han grimace slightly in pain and shifted his feet irritably. However, his eyes were focused on the red gleam in Kim's eyes as he spoke the sentence quite firmly.

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