XIX. Tom Riddle

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The Triwizard Tournament is coming to an end. Winners have advanced to the final round, and all students, guests, and professors have gathered to watch the tournament. This round's theme is a maze. The game began after I announced the rules. Harry and Cedric were the first to enter the maze, followed by Viktor and Fleur. Viktor and Fleur were eliminated after an hour. After another hour, we still haven't heard from the two remaining winners, which has caused others to panic.

Another two hours had passed when Harry reappeared, he accompanied Cedric. Harry was yelling for help so we rushed over to him.

I saw Cedric who is no longer breathing. Harry claims Voldemort has returned and killed him. Harry explained that the cup is a portkey and that the entire game is a setup to trap him. Mr. Dumbledore accompanied Harry to his room while we looked after Cedric.

Cedric's father arrived, yelling "That's my son! This is my boy!" while weeping.

I felt sorry and sad for them.


I was about to go with my next class today but I saw a Slytherin boy on the staircase, he was crying as the numerous Gryffindor students laughed and talked bad at him.

"He's scary. Don't talk to him"
"Stay away from him, he's a freak"
"Stop crying monster Tom"

"Leave him alone!" I shouted. They got scared and left as soon as they saw me.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" I asked the boy but he has no response.

"If they do that again to you, just call me and I'll tell my father to expel them immediately." I added and he nodded.

"By the way, I'm Adelia from Slytherin. It's nice to meet you." I offer my hands to him to shake hands.

He accepts my hand and said "I'm Tom Riddle"

"Nice name. Oh, I forgot! We have Potion class today, shall we go?" He nodded and we went together to our classroom.

One day, Professor Slughorn seems like he's finding an important ingredient for an important potion. I remembered that I saw Tom steal an ingredient yesterday in our classroom but I don't know what it is.

"Tom Riddle! Did you see an ashwinder egg?" Professor Slughorn said and my eyes widened.

An ashwinder egg is one of the ingredients of Felix Felicis if I'm not mistaken.

"No professor" He lied.

"If none of you confess right now, you will get a detention for 1 week!"

"It was me, professor. I'm sorry." I said.

I just want to protect Tom.

"Detention this evening Ms. Dumbledore." Professor said and he left.

"What are you doing?" Tom asked me.

"It's okay, just don't steal again Tom." I replied.

But that wasn't the last time he lied and break rules. I've warned him, but he's still stubborn. All I can do is protect him because he's my closest friend.

We've been friends for 2 years. We've always had each other. He was always a rule-breaking student. He once invited me to skip class and go to the forbidden forest without getting permission from our professor and to my parents. Slytherin has the lowest point for this year because of us but the majority of them came from Tom. I was scared at first because he had a snake friend, but then I found out that I could also speak parseltongue like him. He taught me how to hunt wild animals and was the first to discover that I possessed superpowers such as an orb shield and selenium. He told me that I was an exceptional and powerful witch.

Tom confessed his feelings for me on my birthday and asked if we could continue to be friends, to which I said yes. He told me that it was okay if I didn't like him back this time but he would do anything to win my heart. He has always taken care of me since he confessed. I admire him for he is determined and cunning in everything he does; he is a true Slytherin.

Then one day, my parents discovered that I was Tom's friend and that I was always getting detention and receiving poor marks as a result of him. They advised me not to get too close to Tom or he would be returned home. I chose to obey them. I informed Tom about it, and he's mad. We didn't speak to each other after that. I don't want my parents to be upset with me as well.


It was my mother's birthday, so I decided to surprise her with a gift. I was about to come into the garden to see her but I saw her with Tom.

Tom raised his wand and shouted "Avada kedavra!" And my mother collapsed. He apparates.

"Mom!" I run and cried out. My father arrived and I informed him that Tom murdered her.

I trusted him.

--Flashback ends--

That's how I and Tom became friends and enemies at the same time. I'm not sure what he was planning to do next. Now that he returned, I'm afraid that what happened before will repeat itself. I'm afraid of losing another person that I love in my life.

The next day, we prepared a tribute for Cedric. It was held so student and staff could pay their respects to Cedric and learn the truth behind why and how he died.

Tom is back, my old friend is back.

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