X. Expecto Patronus

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The reason why I invite Mr. Dumbledore to my class this afternoon is that I'm planning an exciting lesson for my students today, and I'd like him to demonstrate it in front of them. Dumbledore, as well as my students, have arrived at my classroom. The Patronus Charm which can be used for protection, will be taught to my Gryffindor students today.

"Today we will be learning a new and exciting spell, so get your wand ready. It's a Patronus Charm. Before that, does anyone among you here have any idea what a Patronus Charm is?" Hermione then raised her right hand, as was expected.

"Patronus is a defensive spell which produces a silver, animal guardian to protect a witch or wizard against Dementors." She said.

"5 points to Gryffindor! Thank you, Ms. Granger. As you may be aware, your Patronus could take many forms; it could be a familiar animal or, in rarer cases, a magical creature. To produce that, you must first think of a powerful memory, the happiest memory you can recall. Can you do that?" They nodded in response.

"After that, you must say the incantation Expecto patronum, and the Patronus will start to appear from the tip of your wand as a result. Please repeat after me, Expecto patronum!"

"Expecto Patronum!"

"Great. The next step is to begin drawing circles with your wand to increase the power of your spell. I'll give you a few minutes to recall one of your happiest moments." They began to concentrate on selecting a memory as soon as I said it.

"May I call on our Headmaster so that he can show his powerful Patronus to us?" I asked. Dumbledore came in front and demonstrated how Patronus will appear from his elder wand. It was a phoenix Patronus that appeared in Dumbledore's wand and began flying around the classroom. Everyone was awestruck by its beauty. I thanked him, and he then returned to his seats.

"It's beautiful, isn't it. Now, come in front if you are ready." I instructed and Harry came first. As soon as he yelled the incantation, the silver stag appeared from his wand.

"Fantastic, Harry! Another point to mention is that a full-bodied Patronus is the most difficult to create. Thank you, Mr. Potter. Next, please?"

Ginny walked up to the front and said the incantation. The horse Patronus appeared and began running around the classroom.

"Well done, Ginny! Keep in mind that your Patronus can only protect you for as long as you maintain your concentration." They started to come one by one as soon as I said it.

This is the Patronus of others:


"Every single one of you is doing exceptionally well! Any questions or concerns so far?"

"Professor, can you tell me about the most powerful Patronus?" I look at my father when Harry asks me a question.

It was all eyes on Dumbledore when I said, "Phoenix, and that's by our Headmaster." He smiled and nodded his head.

"Then the second one is yours, Harry" I said with a smile on my face.

"Can you tell me about your Patronus?" Hermione asked.

But unfortunately, I don't have a beautiful memory to start with.

"I'm sorry, but I don't have any at the moment."

"You have to try it out right away, Professor!"

I whispered the incantation and the light from my wand appeared, though it was weak and dim. I tried again, but this time I made the mistake of remembering Snape. I remembered what happened at the whomping willow the day before; it was the first time my heart had raced so fast in a long time. I close my eyes and reminisce about the times we spent together in the past. The incantation was spoken in hushed tones and when I opened my eyes, a silvery-white animal shape appeared in front of me.

It was Thestral Patronus.

Even my father witness it. They were all taken aback by how beautiful it was. I've never seen a Patronus quite like this before. It was extremely rare.

"That was stunning" I whispered

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"That was stunning" I whispered.

"Professor, as far as I'm informed, those who have the Thestral Patronus have a gentle nature and are considerate of those around them. Those born under this Patronus have a compassionate nature, and they will often make others feel as if they are on the same page as they are!"

"Professor, that was extremely rare!"

The Patronus then vanished into thin air. I'm happy that I have a Patronus now.

"Did you have a good time participating in our lesson today? We should call it a day. I'll see you again next week. Thank you" and they left one by one.

"You did a fantastic job!" My father said and moved toward to hug me tighter. I smiled and hugged him back in return. He left.

But why Snape? Do I like him?

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