VI. The Three Broomsticks

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We hid behind the door and the more it open, the little space we had. Snape held my back and pushes me against his body. Our faces grew closer to one another and I felt uncomfortable.

"Does anyone happen to be here?" Ms. Umbridge asked.

I made every effort not to make a sound. I'm extremely embarrassed by our situation, but I don't have any choice.

"Who it is?" Mr. Fudge asked Ms. Umbridge

"No idea" she replied before returning to the room and closing the door. I move my body away from Snape.

"I am very sorry" I said in hushed tones before sprinting away. I have to go and see my father.

When I arrived at the Headmaster's Office, I noticed him standing in front of the window. He turned around and saw me.

"I failed" I admitted and he came closer to me.

"What had you taught and who you taught it to?"

"7th year Gryffindor. Unforgivable curses."

"I see" He said. I cried on his shoulder as I hugged him. He patted my back and ran his fingers through my hair.

"I don't want to leave" I pleaded

"Don't be concerned. Simply pack all of your belongings." I nod.

I returned to my room and began packing all of my belongings into my luggage. Mr. Filch is summoned to assist me in bringing my luggage outside. Students and professors have gathered in the courtyard, confused as to which professor will be sent home. The inspection of Dolores has come to an end, and I believe I am the only one who did not pass.

"The Ministry of Magic has completed its inspection. Congratulations to everyone who passed except for this one woman who teaches her class about curses, which is a little embarrassing. Following her actions, I and Minister Fudge decided to fire her from her position; however, where she is?"

Everyone was in complete shock as I show up.

"That's right. Your Defense Against the Dark Art professor will be fired" My tears began to fall as she spoke, but I quickly wiped them away. Professor Minerva came to and comforted me then later, my father arrived and walked towards Ms. Dolores.

"Teaching unforgivable curses in the seventh year at Hogwarts is usual, and it has been done by our previous professors. Ms. Umbridge and Mr. Fudge, please accept my apologies for saying this, but I don't see any problems with it. As the headmaster of this school and as the father of Adelia, I respectfully request that you reconsider and revise the declaration you made on her" Mr. Dumbledore said and Mr. Fudge nodded in agreement.

"You're okay with teachers who instruct students on how to kill? Isn't it a problem if your students use those spells?" Ms. Umbridge says

"She is only helping the students how to defend and familiarize themselves about it"

"I see what you're saying, Mr. Dumbledore. It's understandable, but I like to be fair because Ms. Dolores has a valid point, and you have a valid point as well. As a result, I would revise my order, which states that I will only suspend her for a month. This concludes my final declaration. I'm not going to accept any statement from either side. Goodbye." Mr. Fudge says and they apparate. My father approached me and hugged me. I thanked him.

"Unfortunately, we have no choice but to follow them. I hope you understand what I'm saying. Snape has been informed, and he will accompany you to your temporary residence. Send me a letter at least once a week." I nodded in agreement as he said this. He walked away.

"Everyone please return inside, our dinner has been prepared." Professor Minerva said and students walked away.

She touched my hair and said "Take care, and we'll see you in a month" Minerva smiled, and I returned the smile. She has left, and it is only Snape and me who remain. I carried my luggage then held his arm and we apparate to Spinner's End.

 I carried my luggage then held his arm and we apparate to Spinner's End

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The entire village is quiet and we are standing in front of a house. I entered after Snape unlocked the door.

"Is this yours?" I asked him and he nodded

I look at his house as he closes the door and he just stands there watching me. I take a tour of his house, and it is immaculately clean and orderly. He had a large number of books on his shelves. He has all of my favorite books.

He stops my hand "Do not touch anything"

"But I'll be here for a month" I say with a smirk, and he shrugs.

I sat down on the sofa chair after putting my luggage somewhere safe; He has a comfortable chair.

"I'd forgotten, we haven't eaten yet" I stand up and held his arm to apparate at The Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade.

"I'd forgotten, we haven't eaten yet" I stand up and held his arm to apparate at The Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade

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"Why did you bring me here?" He asked.

"To eat, obviously" I say as I search for a table for two and call over Snape; we take a seat and I ask about the menu. Their best seller here is butterbeer, so I ordered one of those, followed by one fish & chips and one fresh garden salad.

"What did you order?" I asked Snape but he only ordered a pumpkin juice.

"Do you think that's enough?" I said. He includes shepherd pie with a garden salad.

Within minutes, the food was served, and we immediately began to eat.


"Isn't their food delicious, by the way? My parents used to come here for dinner when they were still dating, which was a long time ago. I used to go here with my mother every weekend when she was still alive so this is my first visit again since she passed away. Oh, I'm sorry for speaking too much." She looks at me with a smile on her face.

but sadness is what I saw in her eyes.

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