XX. Death Eater

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A Ravenclaw student is suffering from a cough and Madam Pomfrey needs medicine from Snape but we couldn't find him. I've been looking for him for an hour and still haven't found him; he wasn't even in his room. I asked as to whether Professor Minerva had seen Snape, she stated that Snape had gone to the Headmaster's office. I'm about to walk inside the Headmaster's office when I hear Snape and Mr. Dumbledore's conversation.

"Ms. Burbage was kidnaped by the dark Lord." Snape said.

"We don't have a choice, Severus. You'll be late if you don't leave now" Mr. Dumbledore replied and Snape apparated.

I decided to follow Snape but I went to Gryffindor's common room and summon Harry first.

"Harry, can I borrow your map and cloak." I pleaded, and he nodded.

"Sure, professor." he says as he brings the cloak and map from his desk.

"Thank you." I said then I walked away.

I wear the cloak and I saw Snape on the map. He's on his way to Malfoy Manor. I need to find out what's going on and make sure he's safe.

As we arrived at Malfoy Manor, I saw Voldemort and his followers called 'Death Eaters'. They're seated at a long table and I noticed Professor Burbage hanging with many wounds on her skin. Only the light from the fireplace brought some brightness to the room.

 Only the light from the fireplace brought some brightness to the room

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"Severus, I was beginning to worry you had lost your way. Come, we've saved you a seat." Snape sat down and informed Voldemort of Mr. Potter's situation.

He said that Harry and Voldemort's wand are twins, and they share the same core. Voldemort stands up and asks Lucius for his wand, which Lucius gladly gives him.

"For those who do not know, we are joined tonight by Ms. Charity Burbage who recently taught at Hogwarts. Her specialty is Muggle studies. She believes that muggles are not different from us." They laughed. Ms. Burbage was shaking in fear.

"S-Severus. We're friends." Ms. Burbage was asking for help, but Snape just stared at her with no emotion. Voldemort is about to raise his wand, but I run toward Ms. Burbage and used my orb shield. I look at Tom with a sharp eye.

Everyone is taken aback. I yell "Accio" to get the invisibility cloak and we immediately apparate at Hogwarts.

"Are you alright?" I asked. She cries and nods at the same time. I accompany her to her room then I went to Harry to return the map and cloak. I was about to return to my room but I noticed Snape in the hallway, and he noticed me as well. There was no one else there but only us.

I look at him "You didn't even save her."

"I'm one of them. He will kill me if I save her." He admitted.

"Why did you join?"

"To impress Lily before."

"You didn't even say this to me."

"Because I'm afraid of losing you too."

I cup his face and said "You won't lose me. But what if Voldemort discovers this?"

Dumbledore trusts him as well. What if his life is endangered as a result of this? He works as a double agent.

"He won't, I'll be careful."

"I'll get you away from him."

"But that is risky."

I shook my head "I have to keep you safe."

He held my hand "What if I broke your trust?"

That makes me pause for a moment. After Tom killed my mother, I began to have a trust issue with anyone. But since I met Snape, I realize that trusting one person is a choice and a risk.

"Then I'll give you a million chances." He smiled.

This is what I chose.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Can you make a cough potion for Madam Pomfrey?" He nodded and held my hand as we went to his room together.

I'm in love with a death eater.

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