XXXII. Little Snape

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Another school year has begun as we return to Hogwarts. We are having our class with Professor Adelia and busy answering the test papers but all of the sudden, we notice that Professor seems like she was dizzy.

"Professor, are you alright?" I said. She responded with a nod.

I continue answering my test paper but suddenly, the entire class was taken aback when professor Adelia passed out and collapsed on the floor. Ron summoned Mr. Filtch and he arrived instantly to carry Professor Adelia. He undoubtedly takes her to the hospital wings. Our exam has been rescheduled for next week. Everyone has returned to their dormitories except for me, Hermione, and Ron who have decided to check her on the hospital wings.


I woke up and knew I was in the hospital wing. I gazed around the room and I noticed Madam Pomfrey, Ms. Minerva, and the Golden Trio standing alongside me. My headache has completely disappeared, and I feel better than I was earlier.

"How are you?" Minerva asked.

"I feel fine." I responded.

"Madam Pomfrey has something to say to you."

She happily said "You're pregnant, Adelia. Congratulations!" And I was stunned after I heard the news and my heart started to race. It still seems unreal to me. Snape came with a very concerned expression.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded.

"We'll leave you for now." Ms. Minerva said and they left except for Snape.

"What happened?" He asked as he brushed my hair.

"Severus, you'll be a father soon!" I happily said. He was startled.

"You're pregnant?" He asked and tears quivered up in my eyes as I nodded. He smiles, and his eyes sparkle with love. He kisses my stomach then my forehead.

The following day, I found a huge number of envelopes in my office. It is from the Weasley family, Lupin and Tonks, Sirius, and the Ministry of Magic Kingsley. They told me that they had heard of my pregnancy and they congratulated us. Mrs. Weasley told me that if I need some help, all I have to do is to call her and she will be there for me. Severus and I have decided to leave Hogwarts for the time being and we have no idea when we will return. Ms. Minerva will be the new Headmistress while Mr. Slughorn will serve as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor and Slytherin Head of House. All Hogwarts Professor said that they will gonna miss both of us and if they have time, they will visit us at our home. Our belongings have already been packed.

"Take good care of yourself, Adelia." Ms. Minerva says and then she hugs me. I returned the hug. After that, we apparate back to our home.

Four months of pregnancy

Severus has learned the art of cooking. He always prepares delicious meals for me and he has the habit of tying my hair while I'm eating. He takes great care of me and I am grateful for him. I read a book since I've learned that reading helps a child become smarter in the future, therefore I do it every day. I experienced nausea and dizziness on some days (this condition is known as morning sickness) but it's a good thing that Severus mastered the art of making a draught for nausea and dizziness without causing any side effects to our child.

Six months of pregnancy

I was instantly giddy with excitement since an obstetrician had come to our house today to reveal the gender of our child. She handed me a draught that I was unfamiliar with. She said that it was for the gender reveal. I sipped it. It has a strange and unpleasant flavor, I vomit it after a minute. She called Severus and said that our child is a boy. As soon as I heard out that there will be a little Snape, I couldn't stop smiling.

Eight months of pregnancy

There's only one month left until we see our son. My stomach is huge like a ball. I can easily feel tired even if I didn't do anything and I experience body cramps every day. I can't sleep at night due to some anxiety and nervousness, sometimes Severus reads books for me and with his deep voice, I can fall asleep easily. One day, I felt a kick from my stomach, so I called Snape who arrived within minutes.

"He's moving. Come!" I said then he touch my stomach and our son kicks once more. Snape smiled.

"He's quite excited as well." Severus happily said.

I can't wait to carry him in my arms.

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