XV. Beginning of Together

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I should avoid him from now on.

I simply provided an activity for my students as I'm not in the mood to teach today. Perhaps I should take a vacation. I needed some time, alone.

No matter where I am or what I am doing, I think of him. I remember the look on his face that night; he was taken aback and then he let me go. He doesn't seem to care, which is to be expected.

I decided to get a paper and began writing a vacation letter. I come up with reasonable reasons to gain my father's approval. I'll give it to him, and I'll be leaving the next day.

It was time for dinner, so I went to the great hall. Everyone was already there. I sat next to Snape as usual. I just ate my dinner in silence. After dinner, I handed the letter over to my father. He looks confused.

"Please accept my vacation letter." I said. I'm sure Snape heard me. Ms. Mcgonagall and Mr. Flitwick were taken aback.

"What brought you this suddenness?" Ms. Minerva asked. I just smiled. My father took the letter out of the envelope and read it.

"I have to think about it first." I nodded. He continues to eat. I walked away.


I heard everything. She was preparing for a temporary leave. She had been avoiding me since that night. Mr. Dumbledore approaches me and begs me to convince her to reconsider her decision. He handed me the letter and asked me to return it to her.

I found her in her office. As soon as I knocked, she invited me in. I opened the door then she was taken aback by the fact that I was the one who had arrived. I shut the door behind me right away. I hand her the letter, and she immediately stands up.

"What are you doing?" She said.

"Why are you avoiding me?" I asked. She cut eye contact with me. "Was it something that happened last night?" I added.

"No. I didn't mean it." She answered.

"Look at me." I raised her head by grabbing her chin. I looked at her. Her eyes were sad.

"Don't run away from me." I said.

She chuckled and said, "Don't worry, I'm just doing this to forget you."



"Because. I-"


"You matter to me, Adelia. I fell in love with you too so please, stay with me." I confessed.

She was taken aback and said "But Lily..."

"Lily is gone, she's dead and I've already moved on. Adelia, Lily is now a part of my past. Right now, what matters to me is you. I can't live without you."

"Do you just remember her whenever you are with me?"

I shake my head and said "No. You are different and I like you better."

I hugged her and added "There's no reason for you to doubt. My feelings for you are real. Please accept it." She nodded.

She touches my heart

I can't believe that there's someone who truly cares about me. She's kind to me. She always makes my heart beat faster and time seems to stand still. There are always butterflies in my stomach every time I'm with her.

She saved me.

I had thought my life would be filled with nothing but loneliness, but then she came to save me from bitterness and pain. She saved me from drowning in the sea of guilt and pain.

She taught me to love again.

Everything has changed since she came. She accepts me with all of her heart. I found peace and happiness with her. I found myself again. I found a home. I'll do everything just to protect her.

I want to be with her for the rest of my life.


He kissed me on the forehead and encouraged me to stay. My heart is racing so fast that I think it will burst.

If this is just a dream, I don't want to wake up anymore.

"Am I dreaming?" I asked and he smiles. That was the first time I had ever seen him smile. He was perfect.

"Would you do that again?"

"Do what?"

"Smile once more." He smiles again.

"You already in love with my smile, huh?"

I nodded. "Yes, and I will do everything just to make you happy." I said. He smiled.

"How about your first love?" I smiled.

"Severus, he was now also a part of my past and what matters to me right now is that I am yours and you are mine."

I can finally call him mine.

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