XXXIV. The Boy in the Bubble

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"It's time for dinner!" As I set the chicken on the table, I shouted. Alex immediately rushes to the table and takes a seat.

"Chicken!" He exclaimed joyfully.

I gave him a piece of chicken and asked "Where's your dad?"

"Upstairs. Reading again." He stated, and I ascended to the second floor and knocked on the door. I opened it and saw Severus taking a nap on the chair, his chest cradled by a poetry book. I smiled as I approached him.

"Severus, wake up." I whispered. I retrieve the book from his chest and return it to the shelves. He eventually opened his eyes.

I kissed his lips and murmured "Dinner is ready."

"Where's Alex?" He asked.

"He's eating his favorite chicken from his mom downstairs. Let's eat together?" He chuckles. We went downstairs to eat and saw Alex eat his food.

Severus sat down and asked him "Is it delicious?" Alex nodded.

"Mommy's chickens are the best!"

"How about daddy's chicken?"


"Good, but not the best." I jokingly said. He rolled his eyes.

"Dad. I'd like to hear a story from you later."

"Alright, I've got a new story to tell you."


Alex and I sat on the bed, awaiting Adelia's arrival to begin the storytelling time. We were laying next to each other when Adelia came over to us.

"Ready?" Adelia asked and Alex nodded. She switched off the light and the stickers on the wall glowed in the dark.

"So the title of this is the boy in the bubble." I introduce it as I began to open and read the book.

[A/N: To hear Alan Rickman's narration, click on the video at the top. Watch it too, if you'd like]

"This is the tale of a boy who used magic, his reasons were sound but the outcome was tragic. Rupert Shelley for that was this young fellow's name was like other children but not quite the same. He gladly faced many vampires or ghouls than the venomous creatures who plagued him at school. There was a case of morose introspection where books offered little by way of protection till one day, a new face appeared in the class; flaming a hat Jill's pale skin smooth as glass eyes blue as Sapphire and nose like a kitten. Naturally, Rupert was utterly smitten. Books on the subject of girls were quite charming though some of the pictures inside were alarming. With his dreams and ambitions consumed by romance, his ghoulish companions scarce rated a glance the decor once Ariat now whimsical acquainted a virtual shrine to true love's patron saint. In the time that they came for which Rupert had pined and so with his heart and his card intertwined. He stood before Jill as if floating in space then suddenly everything fell into place. But girls can be fickle and love can be cruel as Rupert discovered the next day at school. With a turn about where the object and hide, Jill quite transformed took poor Rupert aside to inform him quite coldly that they would now part. Thus breaking batteries, she fragmented his heart. With his feelings in shreds not to mention his pride in his room, Rupert sat and he desperately tried to erase every trace of the hurt but he couldn't. He prayed it would fade but it stubbornly wouldn't. Just then he remembered a spell he'd once read in a volume on magic he kept by the bed. A strange incantation he couldn't construe, but he thought to himself what harm could it do. Spells can be potent more than others. On the point of accepting his wretched existence passively gazing on life from a distance, dimly he notice a girl drawing closer her head in a tone that appeared to engross well. Suddenly the bubble compressed and something like a lightning shot right through his chest. As the old saying goes every tale has two sides but you might be surprised that it also applies to enchantment for hidden in each magic spell is not only the hex but un-hex as well. Only she who could see past in the enchanted skin would set free the heart of the boy child."

The story came to an end. I looked over and saw Alex and Adelia were peacefully falling asleep. I kissed them on the forehead and wrapped them in a blanket. I returned the storybook to its proper place on the shelves and sleep next to them.


I awaken without Alex or Severus by my side. I immediately went downstairs and saw Severus and Alex happily playing outside in their favorite spot. Simply looking at them brings me joy.

We've had our ups and downs over the last five years and it's not easy raising a child, especially when it's our first but every time I see Alex's smile, it's all worth it

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We've had our ups and downs over the last five years and it's not easy raising a child, especially when it's our first but every time I see Alex's smile, it's all worth it. I was thankful for Severus; he was an amazing dad. There were times when I felt exhausted and unsure of certain things, but he was always there for us. We began teaching Alex when he was four years old, and he is now capable of reading, counting, and writing independently. He, like his father, was a clever child. He also has a kind heart, which he inherited from his mother. We are eagerly awaiting his arrival at Hogwarts, where he will be able to make new friends in the house to which he belongs.

I approached Alex, greeted him with a pleasant morning and kissed his forehead. I also went to Severus and kiss him on the lips.

"Mom, let's play hide and seek!" Alex said and I agreed.

Severus said "I'll count." and he closed his eyes and began the countdown. Alex and I hide inside the house. Severus found me after a few minutes, as well as Alex, whom he pretended not to notice.

"There you are!" Alex squeals with delight as Severus tickles him.

They are the most beautiful moments of my life.

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