XII. Remus Lupin

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Mr. Flitwick requested a temporary leave for personal reasons and as a result, Charm subject become vacant. I've decided to teach that subject so that Dumbledore can appoint a new defense against the dark arts professor with whom we'll meet later.

Mr. Dumbledore summons everyone in the great hall to announce the new charm and defense against the dark arts professor.

The new defense against the dark arts professor has arrived, and Dumbledore takes the opportunity to introduce him to us. Mr. Remus Lupin was his name, and he was also a student of Hogwarts before. The shake of hands occurs when he extends his hand to mine, and I accept it with a smile.

"Adelia" I said, and he smiled at me.

He has a lovely smile on his face.

"Of course I'm familiar with you, Ms. Dumbledore. It was a pleasure to finally meet you." I thanked him for his words.

Dumbledore came and said, "Adelia, I'd like you to assist Professor Lupin with his subject. One week is good."

I nodded in agreement and said, "I will" without a doubt.

"Thank you. Come, students have already gathered in the great hall." Dumbledore said and we all went into the Great Hall.

Instead of being seated between my father and Snape, I was seated between Snape and Lupin this time around. Next to Lupin is my father. I noticed some students from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw were looking at Lupin.

"Good day! Before we begin our feast, I would like to inform you that Professor Flitwick will be absent for a short period due to a personal reason. Professor Adelia has stepped in to fill the position of temporary Charm Professor, and I would like to extend a warm welcome to Professor RJ Lupin, who will be serving as our new defense against the dark arts professor. Best of luck Professor." Lupin was welcomed by Dumbledore, who was greeted with applause. Lupin rose to his feet and bowed his head to express his gratitude to us.

The feast has officially begun. As I've been noticing, Lupin and Snape haven't been speaking to each other for quite some time.

"So you, too, attended Hogwarts right? What house are you in?" I asked Lupin.

He answered, "Gryffindor" and I noticed that the students were still looking at Lupin.

"Why are they looking at you?" he looks at those girls and they smile at him. Lupin reciprocates with a smile.

He chuckled and said, "well, maybe it's because of my face." We both laugh.

This time, I decide to approach Snape and said "I slept well last night. Thanks to you."

He didn't respond, but I'm sure he heard me.

He doesn't seem to care at all.


"I slept well last night. Thanks to you" She said and that was certainly a relief. If I could make a dreamless potion for her every time she has a nightmare, I would.

The following day, I heard that Adelia will be assisting Lupin with his subject. I noticed that even though they only met yesterday, they already appear to be very close to one another. I don't care.

Adelia hasn't even spoken to me since yesterday because she's been too busy assisting that obnoxious werewolf.

They were practicing spells on a mannequin in the courtyard when I happened to walk by. She appears to be very happy with Lupin. Minerva appeared beside me, and she noticed Adelia and Lupin as well.

She looked at my face and said, "Severus, please correct me if I'm wrong but your eyes tell that you are jealous. Do you like her?"

I look at her and said, "You have made a mistake, Minerva. I don't see her in a romantic way"

"You have to tell her what you feel before it becomes too late again" she says as she walks away. I noticed Lupin stroking Adelia's hair and then hugging her enthusiastically.

Why does my heart ache a little each time she is with him?

Again, do I like her?


One week has passed, and today is the final day that I will be assisting Lupin. He's a quick learner, and I am very impressed with him. I received feedback from Gryffindor stating that he was remarkable when it came to teaching, which made me feel proud and happy. Snape, on the other hand, has been avoiding me ever since Lupin arrived, and I am unable to approach him. He was always in his office, and whenever I tried to speak with him, he didn't seem to hear me.

What's wrong with him?

"Did you hear what I said, Adelia?" says Lupin. I had completely forgotten that we were in the classroom.

"I'm sorry, what was it again?"

"I said thank you for helping me"

I smiled and says "No, I should be the one who should thank you. I didn't have a difficult time because you learned it so quickly"

He smirks, then he came closer to my ears and whispers, "I made it easy for you" he says with a smile.

He suddenly moved closer and kissed me on the lips. I was taken aback, so I pushed him.

[A/N: Lupin: 1 Snape: 0]

"I'm sorry" he said.

I nodded and said, "Don't do that again" to which he responded with a nod and I left.

I'm sorry, but I don't have any feelings for him.

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