V. Inspection of Umbridge

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Dumbledore summoned all the professors for a meeting. He mentioned that the Ministry of Magic will arrive later to inspect us. He also stated that we must do and show our best because they will grade us based on their criteria, and if we haven't met their expectations, they will suspend us or, in the worst-case scenario, remove us from our position.

The Ministry of Magic has finally arrived, and all of the professors have gathered to welcome them. I saw Mr. Fudge with Ms. Dolores Umbridge, she is the senior undersecretary of the Ministry of Magic. Dumbledore extends a warm welcome to them upon their arrival at Hogwarts. Mr. Fudge announced that the inspection will begin this afternoon and will be finished today as well.

The inspection began after lunch, and I believe Ms. Dolores will be the one who will be inspecting us. It was also revealed to me by Professor Minerva that she despises my subject and divination the most, which caused me to become more nervous.

This is the schedule of the Inspection:

1:00 PM - FLYING
2:00 PM - CHARM
3:00 PM - POTION
5:00 PM - DADA

It's already my time after several hours. I went to my assigned classroom. I prepared a small spider on a jar for my students because I will be teaching them the most important spell that they need to be familiar with. The 7th year of Gryffindor has already arrived, and Ms. Dolores has entered my class and instructed me to begin as soon as I am ready.

"Good afternoon. I believe you are in your final year at Hogwarts, am I right? Today, I'll assist you in becoming familiarized with the unforgivable curses. Can anyone tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?" Mr. Weasley raised his hand in response to my question.

"Three, Professor" Percy said.

"And they are so named?"

"Because they are unforgivable. Use of one of them will earn you a one-way of Azkaban."

"Correct. We will be discussing this because you need to know what you're up against. You need to be prepared." I write the three curses on my chalkboard.

The Imperius Curse
The Cruciatus Curse
The Killing Curse

"First, I'll demonstrate the imperius curse" I said, taking the spider out of the jar and placing it on the table.

I raised my wand toward the Spider and yelled "Imperio!" which caused the spider to fly as my wand was raised.

"As you can see, I have complete control over the spider" I say, before returning the spider to the bottle.

"Next, the cruciatus curse" I pointed my wand at a spider and exclaimed, "Crucio!" The spider then began to writhe in agony as a result of this.

"The victim will be in excruciating pain" I said, and then I stopped.

"Lastly. The killing curse, the most powerful of these curses" I pointed my wand at the spider once more and whispered, "Avada kedavra" and the spider's life was taken away by a green light that flashed on it. They were all taken aback.

"Only one person is known to have survived it and he is in this school" I said

"Time is up! This is our lesson for today, you may now go. Thank you." I said and they left one by one but Ms. Dolores remained.

"Congratulations, Ms. Dumbledore! However, I believe this is a bit much for the student, don't you?"

"What are they supposed to do to defend themselves against something they have never seen before? I'm sorry Ms. Dolores but I believe that they should be prepared for this."

"Are you instructing them on how to kill?"

"No. I'm just-"

"What if one of them decides to use it?" She says this while raising her brow.


"I'm sorry to inform you but you did not pass the inspection. I'll pass this information along to the Ministry's top official" She said and then she walked away

I was taken aback because I had simply followed the lesson plan for the 7th year, which had already been taught by the previous professor of this subject.

What should I do?

I went outside after wiping away my tears. I'm not going to let her take my job away from me. I noticed her talking to Mr. Fudge in the guest room, but she suddenly closed the door; I moved closer to the door so that I could hear what they were saying.

"Ms. Dumbledore did not succeed, sir"

"What happened?" Mr. Fudge asked, but suddenly, I sneezed and their conversation came to a sudden stop. I think they will open the door. But then someone grabs me and we hide behind the door, which was extremely tight.

It was Snape

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