II. Troll in the Dungeon

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Everyone was having lunch when Mr. Filch ran over to our table unexpectedly.

"There's a troll in the dungeon!" Mr. Filch said then I saw Dumbledore look at me.

Every house had its prefects, so I went to each of their tables to deliver that message, and they immediately returned to their dormitories. I watched Snape exit through the back door. And to ensure that no students are still roaming outside, the entire castle is being inspected by professors.

I, Dumbledore, and Professor Minerva went to the Girl's bathroom, which is where the Troll was hiding, and as soon as we arrived, we noticed the troll had fallen to the ground with a wand on its nostril. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were already there. Their clothes become dirty, and their faces had become filthy. Dumbledore ordered them to return to their dormitory, and Professor Minerva escorted them back to their common room. Snape came out of nowhere, and I noticed that his right leg was swollen with blood. As soon as he noticed that I was looking at his leg, he quickly covered it with his cloak; we made direct eye contact.

 As soon as he noticed that I was looking at his leg, he quickly covered it with his cloak; we made direct eye contact

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"Hagrid will take care of it" Dumbledore informed us, and then Hagrid appeared unexpectedly.

Dumbledore returned to his office and resumed his work. I prevent Snape from returning to his office so I grabbed his hand and take him to the hospital wings.

He let go of his hand and says, "Ms. Dumbledore, what do you think you're doing?"

I didn't respond to what he said, I just grab his hands again but he takes them away again.

"What happened to your leg?" I asked.

"Mind your own business" he said as he turned away, but I quickly grabbed his arm.

I rolled my eyes and said, "My job is to make sure that everyone is safe" and he turned to face me again.

"You're acting like a hero" He said while raising his brow. He was so scary.

"I'm not, but whether you like it or not, we have to go to the hospital wings" I said, grabbing his hands once more, and we made our way to the hospital wings. Madam Pomfrey arrived shortly after I summoned her. I force him to sit on the bed

Before I left, I said, "Please treat his wound on his right leg" and she nodded as I walked away.

Why does he hate me that much? I just want to help him.


She walked away, and Madam Pomfrey began to cure my right leg.

Why is she so nice to me?

I returned to my office after Madam Pomfrey had treated my wound. I felt better than I had a while ago. Maybe it's because of her?

Suddenly, an owl flew into my office and perched on my desk. That was Adelia's owl; she gave me a letter with a fragile bottle. I opened the letter first right away.

"I hope everything is okay with you now. Please take good care of yourself"

- Adelia

I responded with a letter, which I gave to her owl, and she took off. She gave me a pain reliever medicine that I'm planning to make myself later. I take a sip of it and her expertise in how to make pain reliever medication is surprising.

I was grateful.


Aurora returned to my office and I noticed that she was holding a letter. She gave it to me and I took the letter out of the envelope and read it.

"Stop being concerned about me. We aren't friends."

- Snape

Is he always looking for ways to hurt other people's feelings? He's cruel. Perhaps I should refrain from approaching him in the future, or perhaps I should work even harder to gain his attention. I can't even imagine what it would be like if I became friends with him. He didn't laugh or even smile when I am with him. He hasn't made any friends yet. His life is just as dull as mine.

The following day, I decided to skip breakfast. I'm not in the mood to face him right now. I'm afraid he'll say something hurtful to me again, and I hate him for it. I'm getting ready for my first class.


We're having breakfast in the great hall this morning. Dumbledore, of course, is on the lookout for someone, that is his daughter. I'm curious as to why she wasn't in her seat. I suddenly remembered what I had done to her yesterday and wondered if she was upset with me or if she had been hurt.

She's very sensitive

"Severus, did you happen to see Adelia?" I shake my head in response. I finished my meal so I could get ready for my first class today this morning.

Walking down the hallway, I noticed her and she noticed me as well.

"Dumbledore has been looking for you" I said.

"Does he needs me?"

"I don't think so"

"Then why would I be there?" She said it and walked away.

"Being emotional is not a quality that a true Slytherin possesses" I told her that made her stop, and then I walked away.


"Being emotional is not a quality that a true Slytherin possesses"

He makes me feel that I don't belong in Slytherin.

Is it possible that the sorting hat placed me in the wrong house by mistake?

Tears started to fall from my eyes, but I quickly wiped them away. As soon as I realized I was late for my first class, I ran.

No time for drama.

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