III. Fountain of Fair Fortune

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The seat next to me has been vacant for the entire day yesterday, which is unusual. No food was eaten and no sign of her presence was seen by us. Because of Dumbledore's concerns, the following day he asked me to accompany him to visit her in her room. He knocked on the door, but no one answered.

"Alohomora!" Dumbledore yelled out. We went into her room, but she was nowhere to be found. When I asked of the painting beside her room's door whether they had seen her, they responded that she had left earlier. Dumbledore approached the paintings and asked them a question.

"Can you tell me where she went?"

"She did not mention sir"

He begged me, "Severus, please find her" I gave a nod. Perhaps it is my fault that she has run away.

I began searching throughout the entire castle, but I was unsuccessful. Perhaps she had left the castle.

I'm at a loss for where to look for her. I'm not familiar with her, and I'm not aware of any of her favorite places to visit but perhaps I can ask for the help of Mr. Potter.

During this time, Gryffindor was in Divination class. For the time being, I will excuse Potter from Professor Trelawney.

"Do you mind if I borrow your Map?" He nodded. We went to the Gryffindor Common Room together and I waited outside.

"Here, Professor"

"Go back to your class" He nodded and left. I look at the map and search for her name.

She is at the Graveyard of Godric's Hollow.

I immediately apparate there after seeing her name. As soon as I arrived, I started following the map. I found her sitting in front of the tombstone of her mother. I put a little distance between myself and her to avoid being seen by her. She is holding a bouquet, which she places in front of her mother's tombstone.

"I wish you were here with us. My life has become difficult since you have left, and I apologize for not protecting you that day. It was completely my fault." She says this while sobbing.

She wipes her tears and said goodbye to her mother then she apparates. I looked at the map again and found that she had gone to Fountain of Fair Fortune at Diagon Alley. Before I followed her, I went to her mother's tombstone and used my wand to create a wreath of white flowers then I left.

 Before I followed her, I went to her mother's tombstone and used my wand to create a wreath of white flowers then I left

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My eyes caught her as she ordered a drink for herself at The Fountain of Fair Fortune when I walked in. For her not to recognize me, I'm concealing myself with extreme caution. She finds a seat closer to the window after she has gotten her drinks.

Was it two fire whiskey that she ordered?

I ordered one butterbeer and took a seat a long distance away, but I can still see her. She is preoccupied with gazing out the window while drinking her fire whiskey. I noticed that she was wiping her tears away. She finished her drinks an hour later then noticed that she was feeling dizzy and drowsy, but she stands up and attempts to leave. She suddenly fell to the ground, and everyone is staring at her, with no one stepping in to help her. I dashed to get her, carried her like a bride, and apparate back to Hogwarts.

I placed her in the bed of her room and covered her with a blanket. She is still in a state of unconsciousness. I decided to leave her for a short time to inform Dumbledore that she has returned to her room and she is safe.

Following my visit with Dumbledore, I rushed to my office to prepare a hangover potion for her. After I finished making it, I went back to her room to place the medicine on her desk. Given that I have a class starting in 5 minutes, I decided to leave her alone.


I awoke with a dizzy feeling and a throbbing headache. I'm puzzled as to how I got into my room. I was in The Fountain of Fair Fortune the last time I remember.

Who brought me here?

I noticed a hangover potion on my desk with a note written on it.

"Drink it"

Who was it that gave me this?

I drink the potion to reduce my dizziness and headaches. It became effective after a few minutes. I believe it was my father who brought me here and gave me the Potion. I tidy myself up and leave to visit him, to whom I should express my gratitude.

I went to the Headmaster's Office and found him sitting in his chair. He gets to his feet and moves closer to hug me; I return the hug.

"I'm sorry, and thank you for bringing me back to my room and for giving me medicine" I said, but he chuckled.

"It was snape. I order him to look for you. Go find out where he is, you should thank him" I nodded in agreement as he said this.

I decided to leave and look for Snape. He was missing from both his classroom and his office. I've looked through the entire castle, but I can't seem to find him. I went to the clock tower entrance as my last destination.

 I went to the clock tower entrance as my last destination

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I saw him there, standing by himself. I moved closer to him and took up a position beside him. He had noticed me. I take a look at him then I gave him a friendly smile and said, "Thank you for the potion" I turn my gaze away.

"Forgive me" he said, which caused me to look at him once more. I believe he is referring to what he said to me yesterday.

I chuckle and say, "I won't" Then he raises his brows

"Unless you agree to be friends with me." I smiled once more. He didn't say anything.

"I guess silent means yes?"

Although he appears to be cold on the outside, I have the feeling that his heart is warm.

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