XXI. Greatest Phobia

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I'm here at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes on Diagon alley. This is Ron's brothers Fred and George's magical joke shop. The shop sold practical joke items such as extendable ears, a reusable hangman, and skiving snack boxes, as well as Fred and George's wonder witch-exclusive items such as love potions, ten-second pimples vanishers, and pygmy puffs. Additionally, the shop sells a variety of defensive magical items.

"Harry, is that Professor Adelia?" Hermione called me. I glanced out the window and saw Professor Adelia. We noticed Peter Pettigrew with two more unknown wizards approaching Professor Adelia. She tries to run, but they kidnapped her and apparate. Our eyes widened at what we saw.

"We need to inform Dumbledore." I suggest and we rushed toward Hogwarts castle.

"Hermione, Ron, get the map." I instructed, to which they both nodded. I rushed to the Headmaster's Office while Hermione and Ron made their way to the common room. I saw Snape and Dumbledore there.

"Sir, professor Adelia..." I paused to catch my breath and continued "Peter kidnapped her." Professor Snape and Mr. Dumbledore exchanged glances. Hermione and Ron arrived and gave me the map. I looked at the map and saw Professor Adelia at Malfoy Manor.

"Sir, she's at Malfoy Manor." I said and I notice that the moon had changed its color to blue.

"Sir, what does it mean?" I asked.

"She is in grave danger." He declared.


I opened my eyes and I realized that I'm in Malfoy Manor. I was tied to a chair. I saw Tom approaching me.

"Get me out of here!" I shouted and tried to escape, but I couldn't.

"Long time no see Adelia. I prepared something for you, say hello to Mr. Morgan. He's a muggle-born." He said. I saw Bellatrix and Peter, holding the man. The man's body was scattered with wounds and bruises. His clothes were filthy and torn. He was pleading with me to save him.

I noticed that Tom was holding a knife "I'm aware of your weakness, Adelia. And because you save that woman that night and destroy my plan, this is your punishment." He laughed.


He stabbed the man in the chest with a knife, causing blood to flow from his body. His blood has splattered all over the floor.

"No!" I screamed and Tom gets blood from the man and wipes it on my hands. He laughed and they suddenly apparate.

My entire body is trembling. Even though I closed my eyes, I can still remember how he stabbed the poor man with no mercy. I screamed in fear, hoping that someone would come to save me.


As soon as we apparate to Malfoy Manor, I saw Adelia was being tied up in a chair while crying with her eyes closed and her body is shaking with fear. We untied her immediately. I also saw a man who was completely bloodied on the ground.

"Do not touch me!" She screamed while still sobbing and trembling.

"It's me." Dumbledore said and he hugs her.

"I saw a blood."

"Relax your mind and forget what happened today, Adelia."

"Please get me out of here." Dumbledore picks her up and carries her. We apparate to the Hospital wings.

"Madam Pomfrey!" Dumbledore yelled, and Madam Pomfrey rushed over.

"Calm her." He said, to which she responded with a nod. She provided her a sleeping draught and Adelia eventually stopped shaking and fell asleep.

"What's going on, sir?" I approached and asked Mr. Dumbledore.

"She had a fear of blood since she was a child. She's having a panic attack every time she sees blood." He explained.

"She'll be okay later, right?"

"No one knows, maybe she'll think about it over and over again after she wakes up." He said before walking away. I decided to spend the entire night with her in the hospital wing.

Later on, she awoke screaming and crying for the second time. I immediately called Madam Pomfrey, and she immediately arrived.

"She needs a dreamless potion." I stated, and she nodded. After a few seconds, she came with a bottle containing a dreamless potion. Adelia drink it and she fell asleep again a minute later.


As soon as I woke up, I noticed Snape that is sleeping on my side. He suddenly awakens at the same time as I do.

"Are you alright now?" I nodded but I can still recall the incident that occurred last night. Madam Pomfrey gave me medication and instructed me to take it for a month.

I once remember his eyes, pleading for my help, but I didn't save him.

I felt sorry for him

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