XXIV. The Elder Wand

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I finally recovered after a week and I'm in the office of the headmaster, requesting Mr. Filch to call Harry from his class. He came after a few minutes and ask why I called him. I sat down.

"I've got to tell you something important." I said.

"What is it, professor?"

"Snape doesn't own the elder wand." I revealed.

"But he killed Dumbledore."

"Yes, but there's someone who disarms him first."

"Draco." He whispered.


"But Voldemort knows that it was Snape."

"That's why I summon you here Harry because I have a plan."

"What plan?"

"You have to disarm Draco to own the elder wand before Voldemort finds out." I said and suddenly there's a knock and Snape enters.

"Ah yes, I called Snape for you. He will teach you occlumency so Voldemort won't read your mind."

"Follow me to my office, Mr. Potter." Snape said and they left together.


A week has passed and Snape has stated that Harry is already competent in the use of occlumency. I summoned Harry and he mentioned that he was ready to disarm Draco. He plans to do it today at the dueling club. The afternoon has arrived, and we are having lunch at the Great Hall. I inform students that the dueling club will begin this afternoon and I invited them to join and watch the duel. After lunch, we went straight to the dueling club, where students gathered.

"Welcome to Dueling Club! Let me introduce my assistant for today, Severus Snape

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"Welcome to Dueling Club! Let me introduce my assistant for today, Severus Snape." I announce and Snape went to the stage.

"Now let's have a volunteer pair." I said.

Harry raised his hand and said "I volunteer professor." and went to the stage.

"Good luck Harry." I whispered and patted his shoulder.

"May I suggest someone from my own house?" Snape asked and he called Draco. They ready their wands and face each other.

"Only to disarm." I cautioned.

They both pointed their wand at each other and Harry shouted "Expelliarmus!" that causes Draco to be thrown away.

Before Draco tries to attack, I interrupted "Well done Harry! This is all for today. See you next time." I saw Draco and he's mad. Students leave one by one except for Harry.

"You must protect yourself. Don't let anyone disarm you." I advised and he nodded. He went back to his dormitory.

"I'm ready to face Tom now." I said to Snape.

"I'll go with you." He said and we apparate.

We went to Riddle's house and saw Tom sitting alone on the long table with Nagini. Voldemort rose as soon as we arrived.

"Adelia!" With a smile on his face, he said. He stands and was about to hug me, but I moved away. "What brings you here?"

"Remove Snape from being a death eater." I said. He laughs.

"And why would I do that?" He said calmly.

"This is for what you did to me and my family. You almost kill me." He laughs again.

"He killed your father, but it seems like you still trust him. That's unfair."

"This won't happen if you didn't order Draco to kill my father."

"I see. After all, I did for you, you choose him. Without me, you are just a weak and cowardly witch, Adelia." He said.

"I am not!"

"That's the truth! Who was there when you needed a friend? I was there. Adelia. It was me who put you on what you are now."

"Then who killed my mother? It was you! Don't use that against me because I was also there for you all that time! If you need the wand then just disarm him. Don't ever try to kill him or else I'll be the one who will kill you."

"Expelliarmus!" He disarms Snape and that causes Snape's wand to be thrown away on the floor. He immediately picks it up.

"Don't bother us anymore!" I said and we immediately apparate back to Hogwarts.

I hugged Snape. He returned my hug and said "Thank you." which made me happy. I suppose it's a perfect time for him to be the Headmaster of Hogwarts.

Welcome back, Snape.

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