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Hello everyone :)

Here's just a few things I think you should know before you start to start my story...

Some specific tropes may include -

- flirty banter
- mutual pining
- friends to rivals to friends to lovers
- has always secretly loved her
- slow burn + slow beginning
- Oliver and MC will occasionally speak in different languages, but translations will be left in the comments
- Love Triangle? (Cedric will be a love interest for our MC, but nothing will happen between the two like dating or kissing)
- another romantic couple subplot

Originally this story was being re-written to be a bit better than the original, but if I'm being honest, the plot consistency isn't much better than it was previously.

I originally had this book published under a different name ("my keeper, his seeker" and yes I know it's cheesy but that's Wattpad for you) a few years ago and even had it completed with 18 fully written chapters, but it just wasn't something I loved anymore. I've kept a loose idea of the plot, but a lot has changed. I was just hoping to make you all aware that even though I had proud of this story so far, it is definitely not the best plot wise. So please keep that in mind.

And with all of this, it also means this story unfortunately contains a few spelling errors / mistypes and a lot of plot holes. For starters, I know that Cedric, Oliver and Lee are not all in the same year in cannon, but to make it a bit easier on myself - that is how it'll be. Same with Draco Malfoy being the Slytherin seeker this year. I hadn't read the books or watched the movies in a while when I started this, but I did figure out consistency later on.

And with that in mind, I hadn't really found out until recently that Oliver is actually Scottish and not Irish (I am horrible at telling who's from where simply from accents). So that'll mean Oliver will be speaking some Irish throughout this. I apologize if that causes any confusion.

When starting this book, I hadn't mapped out how many chapters it would contain. Or even how long it would take me to write all together (which ended up being about two years woah), so my writing will progress along with this book and got better chapter by chapter.

The beginning is most definitely not my best work, but if you are still interested enough to stick it out I promise it gets so much better towards the end!!

Though I would like to quickly add that I wrote this book mainly just for fun, and also because I personally believed that Oliver deserved more appreciation that he gets.

So I am genuinely very proud of my story and some specific chapters as a whole especially considering all the time I put in to it. I am a pretty sensitive person, so I do take all your comments to heart. So please just be mindful of what and how you're saying things.

The only characters from this I own are Y/n and her family, as well as a few possible side characters, but the rest of the rights go to J.K Rowling for the creation of Harry Potter. Who, by the way, I do not support in any means necessary. For all I care, Hagrid wrote the books.

And last but not least, I'd like to kindly remind you all that this is a fanfiction and I will be adding my own spin on the series and concepts of the characters included, with things like gender identity and sexuality possibly changed. These may also differ from cannon and will act as my own head cannons for the characters and the series.

And going off of what I have just said, I have included LGBTQ+ and POC representation in this story. I've always wanted to add more realism to my work as to represent the more diverse world we all live in.

But seeing as I am not a part of either of these two communities, it would be a great help that if anyone thought at any point while reading that I have disrespected or wrongly represented anyone in either of these communities - please let me know! I have zero intentions to be harmful and only want everyone to feel safe and accepted and am trying to create a loving environment for everybody included <33

And lastly, this is your

⚠️ trigger warning ⚠️

This story contains some mentions and actions of harassment and sexual assault, panic attacks, vomiting, anxiety, as well as some curse words, alcohol, injury/blood and death. There may also contain some sexual innuendos none of which will be acted apon.

I will try to add trigger warnings at the beginning of the chapters they are shown in, but it is not always possible. So please be warned and do not continue if you are uncomfortable with any of these topics.

That's it for now, I hope you guys love it!

Hanna, the author xx

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