R E S T {P A R T 2}

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Hey guys,

Thanks for being patient with me once more. I am suffering from Writer's Block, and I'm so glad I got to write this chapter.

Without further adieu, I present to you...

R E S T   I I 

"I hope I brought enough blankets," Oliver spoke right into the pillows he carried. It completely towered over his head, receiving no assistance from anyone. "And pillows. I wasn't sure how many children we all had."

"It should be enough," Zeno replied, grabbing a few pillows from Oliver's hold. "Thank you for bringing these. I know it was last minute."

"What, a huge sleepover for Aunt Onny? How could we miss this?" Oliver smiled.

The pair made their way towards the kitchen, while the children followed their mother, Charlotte, to the living room where Onyx was in a deep slumber. By the time the 5 additional children had come, her social battery declined. Hopefully, a nap would recharge it.

Mel and Zenith were in the kitchen, creating meals and snacks for the children and the newly arrived, while the first generation sat near Onyx's bed. Oshun didn't want to leave the foot of her grandmother's bed, despite her cousins arriving with coloring books and candies galore. She didn't want any of that.

She wanted her grandmother to get better.

But Oliver's children understood. They knew exactly what it was like losing someone close. When their great-mumsy passed, they saw how badly it affected their family. From what they recall, it's a lot of tears and a lot of hope. Loss of sleep as well.

"How's she doing?" Scarlett whispered by Mel's shoulder. "Is she eating anything?"

Mel shook her head. Scarlett frowned subtly as she picked up the fruit bowl and walked towards the table near the bay window that overlooked the backyard.

It was a full house. Soft chatter and conversations bounced off the walls all around. Adults conversed about stocks, wines, and anything that had to do with being an adult. Of course, Draco took no part in any of that. He kept to himself because almost every conversation had Lorenzo in it.

He would sip on a watered-down whiskey allowed by Lucille and walk around eyeing people. Draco wished it weren't watered down, but it was better than no whiskey. He was, by no surprise, sober. It would take him half a bottle. He's drinking 1/24th of a bottle.

Narsa and Jack told stories of their adventures to all the children but one, though Oshun had no problem being alienated. She found comfort near her grandmother. Scarlett and Oliver fed the other half of the Brady—no, Malfoy Bunch with fruits and other foods prepared by Zenith and Amelie.

Charlotte conversed with Lucille and Blaise about bizarre A&E cases and today's politics. Stuff that Prince wouldn't understand.

Prince and Lilith arrived last. They had to take the Floo Network to arrive. Both came back from Hogwarts for a few days. Or up until Onyx passed.

Prince and Luna watered the plants that Onyx could no longer take care of. They both had no problem tending the nature that Onyx took very much care of. Lilith joined in on her...cousins? Nieces and nephews?

Oliver's children and Lilith called one another cousins, even though Oliver is Lilith's.

It didn't matter as much. They were all family. Titles were thrown out the window long before. Blood didn't matter. In fact, none of the biological takes of what it means to be family ever applied to any of them. Love and nurture. Family.

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