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Hey guys-

Enjoy, once again.

Without further adieu, I present to you...


amelie zabini

I passed by crowds and sped down the corridor. If she was anywhere, it would have to be somewhere in these crowds. Somewhere with other Ravenclaws. Other than libraries, it would be by classrooms or entry ways to classrooms. Either way, she'd have to be here somewhere

Looking left, looking right, voices grew louder and my heart was beating faster. It was an overwhelming feeling. I have no idea what to expect. I mean, how am I going to approach her? Surely I'm the last person she wants to be talking to. Trust me, she's the last person I want to be talking to, too. I just-. I need answers.

After a couple minutes of walking down the hallway, I notice Eleanor's head peeping out of a handful of other teens; a mixture of Ravenclaws and Gryffindors. She's talking with a cheeky smile that I desperately want to smother off her face. 

I walk towards her as I clench onto my book bag. Tapping onto her shoulder with abruptness, she takes a sharp turn as her expression changes within the matter of milliseconds. She's disgusted.

And the feeling is mutual.

"Can I help you, Zabini?" she sneered as she crossed her arms. Her eyebrows scrunched as she displayed attitude through not only her expression, but her tone as well.

"We need to talk," I said flatly. I projected intimidation, and from the looks of it, she kept getting tense as the clock ticked. "Privately."

Eleanor quickly contemplated. She frantically looked around with skepticism, but eventually gave in.

"Make it quick," she snapped as she pulled away from her group.

Eleanor led the both of us to a discreet corridor that wasn't as busy as the rest of the bustling hallways. She kept looking back at me as we walked out of nervousness. Eleanor turned crimson-red, too. No need to be nervous, Eleanor. All we're going to have is a little talk.

We stood under the caved-in entrance of a door as the both of us stood against opposites sides of the walls. I pinned myself against the wall and leaned my body for leverage. I looked into Eleanor's eyes while anxiousness grew in her chest. It was obvious. She kept gulping and gulping.

"So what-. What did you want to talk about," she stammered lowly.

I stood there for a while as I watched the anticipation grow. "Do you have any idea what I'd want to talk about?"

Eleanor gulped. "I don't-."

"What exactly did you do to Lola Berkshire?" I interrupted. "Did you do more than bully her?"

"Why do you care?" Eleanor bickered, "Your little boyfriend already handled me. I got what I received, there's no need for you to overanalyze-."

"There's more to the story," I snapped.

Her pupils dilated as she parted her lips. Her hand slithered at the nape of her neck as she looked down, nibbling on the bottom of her lip. "That's all."

"Bullshit," I snapped as I inched close. She backed up out of fright, though she had nowhere to run. Eleanor was already backed by a wall. "What happened. Did you do anything else?"

"I don't-. I don't know where you're going with this-."

"I'm positive that there's more to the bloody story, Eleanor," I cocked, "I mean, come on. You and I both know that Zeno would only put hands on anyone if they gave him a good reason to."

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