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Heyo my lovely ladies, gentlemen, and nonbinaries <3

Enjoy this chapter :)

Without further adieu, I present to you...


amelie zabini

The corridors are cold as always. Sun seeping through the large windows, casting shadows onto the ground where there aren't windows up above. People chatting; the usual. Rushing to their classes and being fucking rude by bumping into one another.

The usual.

My head is slightly throbbing. I seriously need to stop drinking on school nights.

I also don't understand how I'm not used to it yet.

Just then, Oliver appears from the corner of my eye and starts walking towards me.

"Where you headed?" Oliver asked, "Good morning, by the way."

"Good morning," I said groggily, "I'm on my way to Herbology. Professor Longbottom wants me to assist him with Mandrakes."

He chuckled. "Only you would say yes."

I rolled my eyes. Of course I'd help.

"It's not even up for debate, really," I said.

"Well, you have Potions after, don't you?"

I nodded yes.

"Why, do you?" I queried.

"Yes madam. So does Narsa and Zeno," he responded cheerfully.

"No way!" I exclaimed, "Narsa has a class with us?"

"What else do you expect from the Queen herself?"

"Fuck, Narsa is way too smart."


We both softly chuckled.

"I'll see you then," Oliver said softly. He stepped right in front of me and gently pulled me close by the waist, placing a kiss on my forehead.

I couldn't help but smile.

It was cheesy, but I hate to admit that I love cheesy gestures.

"Alright, go on to class," I said through a smile.

I headed towards the greenhouse where the first years would await their first lesson.

I loved volunteering. In fact, I do think about becoming a teacher from time to time. I hate children, but teaching them is heart warming. Knowing that I'll be contributing to their futures brings me joy, really.

I hope to be a teacher some day, but maybe not here at Hogwarts.

Maybe at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. Or maybe Durmstrang Institute.

Okay, maybe not Durmstrang.

Once I enter the herbology greenhouse, the smell of dirt and greens fulfill the air. It brings absolute comfort.

I grew up surrounded by large fields; nature is my thing, I guess you could say.

"Ah, Ms. Zabini!" Professor Longbottom announced, "So happy that you came. Are you ready to to teach the lot of these younglings?"

I chuckled softly at the 'younglings' part. Sounds like western culture slang.

"Of course, Professor Longbottom," I responded as I set down my book bag on an empty chair. I smacked both my hands onto my thighs, glancing around. "Alright, where do you want me?"

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