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Hey guys-

Sorry for FUCKING DRAGGING. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter. No spice, but spice will come after this.

Without further adieu, I present to you...

D U R M S T R A N G 

amelie zabini

"Did you already send out the letter to your parents?" Lola asked quietly. 

I nodded yes as I reverted back to my book.

Lola, Narsa, Oliver and I were cooped up in the library killing time. 

Scarlett was feeling a little under the weather.

Zenith and Eleanor didn't attend their classes today. Zenith also stayed at her room last night, which is valid.

"What did you say to them?" Narsa questioned.

"I said 'Discipline your son' among other things. I told them what he did to Scarlett, and I pretty much shamed the fuck out of him-."

"Did you tell your parents that we-. That you, Zeno, and I... beat him?" 

I nodded yes.

I didn't really want to talk as much. Sitting among them made me feel guilty. 

Though I know it was all Zenith, it somehow feels like it reflects on me.

Ugh, why does he have to fuck everything up? I always knew he was the fucking black sheep out of all of us. 

While the three of them talked, it gave me time to compose myself; to reflect my thoughts.

"...Charlotte and I are getting closer..." Oliver whispered to us.

What happened between Scarlett and Zenith completely changes everything. A lot of things, if you may.

"....The red head, correct?" Narsa queried.

It would've worked if Zenith wasn't such a fucking bitch! I mean, bloody hell? Who raised him? Definitely not my mum. Definitely not my dad. Shit, I wonder what my parents will do.

Or worse - what Scarlett's parents will do.

No, scratch that - what Scarlett's dad will do.

"...I dropped the Ravenclaw, and I started seeing a year 7 Slytherin..." Narsa snickered.

I don't doubt that my mum will tell Lucille and Draco, though what if she doesn't?

Who will tell them then?

I don't see myself associating with Zenith after that; after what he did to one of our own. And of all people? Scarlett fucking Malfoy of all people? She's a bloody sweetheart! One of the nicest people on fucking planet earth and he hurts her?

As much as I love my brother, my morals are very important to me. 

Respecting women is one of them.

"Are you alright, Mel?" Narsa interrupted.

"I'm good," I respond nonchalantly. 

Narsa shrugs as she continues to talk about Merlin knows what.

Zoning in and out of the conversation, thoughts about Zenith grow. Thoughts about a lot of things, though I can't pinpoint the main one that's eating me alive.

What did Eleanor do to Lola?

Why is Zenith the way that he is?

How will things be from this point on?

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