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Hey guys-

Sorry for taking so long! Procrastination at its finest. I will be updating tomorrow!! Enjoy this filler  and prepare for TOMORROW'S FUCKING BAGGAGE. 

Withotu further adieu, I present to you...


scarlett malfoy


"You're... 15 now... And I should probably tell you that-" my mother said lowly as we sat in the kitchen; just Narsa and I, "You are not an object. You don't belong to anyone. Anyone at all, do you hear me, Scarlett?"

I nod yes.

"Narsa? Do you hear me?"

Narsa nods.

"Great," she said quietly. "Boys are-. Complicated. Most boys feel that they are entitled to many things. One of those things being... us. So when someone tells you that 'You belong to me and me only', you run. Do you hear me, girls? You run-."

"Mum," I interrupt, "Dad us that you belong to him all the time. Why don't you say anything?"

My mum huffs.

"It's complicated, Scarlett," she mumbles, "I love your father, and your father loves me. We've come-. A very, very long way. We weren't... the best... to one another when we were your age. His idealizations are far different than yours. Far different than mine-."

"Is dad a bad man?" Narsa queried.

"Oh, Merlin's Beard no. No, he's not," she stammered, "Though when we were younger... Yes. He wasn't really... nice to me. And I was, I guess you could say, very naive. Very naive, bloody hell-."

"Do you regret being with dad?" I ask.

"No, I don't. I don't at all," she responds, "Though I'd be lying if I said that I wouldn't want to have changed anything, because there were a million things I should've done."


"Was dad abusive towards you?" I ask lowly, in hopes that Oliver and Dad aren't around to here this conversation.

My mum gulped.

"I definitely think it was more emotional and mental abuse, yes," she responded quietly, "Though he had issues. Major issues, really. It wasn't my job to fix him, no. It's never a woman's job to fix anyone for that matter, really. I did it anyway because I was so naive. But I mean, look at where we're at now-. 3 kids, two dogs, a large piece of land. I'm happy. We're happy-."

"All thanks to you fixing him?" Narsa asked,

"Yes, but it should never have to be that way ever. Ever. You aren't obligated to fix anyone at all. Anyone, do you two hear me?"

Narsa and I both nod yes frantically.

"What I'm trying to say is-. Never ever ignore the red flags. Ever. If you see them, you stay far away from them, alright?"

"But if you ignored dad's red flags we wouldn't be here-."

"You're right, Nar. You wouldn't have. But not all relationships have happy endings like that. Don't risk it."


"I know you two will be smarter than me. Your father and I raised you with all the love in this bloody hell of a world. Your dad isn't a bad man. Not anymore, no," she mumbled, "Just avoid the kind of boys that he used to be, okay?"

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