D A Y 6

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Hey guys, 

Thanks for being patient. My days are getting a bit hectic. Bare with me. I love you guys with all my heart. I just thought you guys should know that. Thank you for reading Obscene. In fact, thank you for a lot of things. Thank you for the support. Thank you for understanding. Just—thank you. I love you all so much. So fucking much.

Without further adieu, I present to you...

D A Y  6 



Narrator's Pov

The worried teenagers spent hours on end figuring out how to find Lola Berkshire. They took vacancy at the Berkshire household where they gathered around the dining table with spellbooks and maps scattered around. While Onyx and Lorenzo turned, the teens stopped at nothing.

Narsa and Scarlett read the books, Oliver and Zeno cast the spells, and Amelie pinpointed all the possibles parts of the world where Lola and Miles would reside. The search went on for hours. The group would take turns taking short naps on the table, then they'd go back to searching. Zeno didn't stop. At one point, everyone fell asleep on the table except Zeno.

 He refused to give up.

All the pent-up frustration would soon pay off, or so that's what he thought.

Lucille was ordered to take care of Luna and Prince back at the Malfoy residence, while Draco and Blaise made calls to shelters, hotels, and just about any possible establishment where they could reside within a 100-mile radius. 

The sun soon came up. Onyx and Lorenzo went back to their homes to help in any way. The search for Lola continues.

Lorenzo walked into his home with a fresh pair of clothes. His arms and legs are aching. He's traveled miles upon miles with Onyx in an attempt to sniff out his own daughter, but it was no use. He disregarded the possibility that she might not even be close and around. 

Or alive.

He walked in to see teenagers that have fallen asleep on his table, except for his son who's still reading spellbooks. Oliver has got drool coming out from the corner of his mouth, Narsa's hair is in knots, Scarlett is mumbling in her sleep, and Amelie's face is facing flat on the table. 

They all look like a bloody mess.

Zeno looked up at his father who came approaching with sly. He abruptly rose from his seat and cleared his throat. He locked his hands together behind his back and looked up and down the dining table where his cousins and girlfriend rested.

"Um— Any luck?" Zeno stammered. Lorenzo looked his son in the eyes and noticed that he's been up for hours. Dark circles have started to form underneath his eyes. 

Lorenzo shook his head. "No. I can't smell her anywhere."

Zeno sighed. He sat back down and leaned his head on the palms of his hands where his arm rested on his elbow. "Same here. We've all been up last night trying to cast spells and read up. No fucking luck, dad. But—But we're going to find her. Okay? We—We are. And when we—and when we do, I'm going to kill MIles with my bare hands—"

"I know we'll find her, Zeno," Lorenzo assured weakly as he took a seat next to his sleeping nephew, "But we can't find her when you've got no sleep. Go upstairs and get some rest, yeah?"

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