D A Y 1

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Hey guys-

For the following chapters, we'll be getting a glimpse from a lot of characters' POVS, and a bit more of narrator's POVS given the circumstances that there's a lot of characters involved in winter break, and each have important roles and such.

Without further adieu, I present to you...

D A Y  1

amelie zabini

All of us got settled in our own homes; stored away clothes, fixed our rooms, helped around our homes. Lola's dad declared that we all have dinner at their house, given that their dining room is large enough to accommodate 13 people.

After storing my items back into my dressers and such, I head downstairs in hopes that I spark conversation with my mum. I haven't seen her in a while and I refuse our relationship from withering.

I find myself towards the kitchen where my mum is sitting on the window seat with a book in hand, and cup of tea on the other. Before approaching her, I give one last glance of her peacefulness. Mum's hair is tied up lazily, and she's wearing an almost worn down Quidditch sweater that could either be my father's or my brother's. She looks... at peace. My mum has gashes - deep gashes. On her neck, thigh, calve, and her forearm. Mum would tell me that my dad would kiss them every morning. Each gash. When I was younger, I'd trace them with my finger and she said she liked the feeling because it would tickle. Anything to make her forget, she loved it. But I know she can't. No matter what we did, she can't forget. I offered to Obliviate her memory, but she didn't want to do that, either.

"Mum," I said coolly, "You alright?"

She perked her head up as a smile appeared across her face. Mum put her book down, along with her book onto the side table as she got up from the window seat. She slipped on her slippers as she walked towards the kitchen island.

"Yes! You? Are you okay? Did you eat before you left Hogwarts?" Mum shuffled around the kitchen, fixing and bustling.

"I'm doing good," I responded lowly as I took a seat on a swivel by the kitchen island, "I haven't ate, but I'm not hungry."

"Alright, suit yourself," she mumbled, "So tell me, Amelie."


"How are things going between you and Zeno? Any issues? You know you can tell me-."

"No, no-. Everything is fine, Mum," I respond frantically. Her eyes narrowed as she stared deeply, attempting to paint out whether or not I was lying. "We're actually doing really good. Just when you thought you knew so much about someone, only now did I realize that there's way more."

"Oh really? Like what?"

"Like-. I got to know him in depth. Like, what he faces internally. I've also noticed a lot a small things about him. Why do men twitch in their sleep?"

"Hell, if I know. Your father gets like that, too," she softly chuckled. "What are the small things that you've noticed?"

Inattentively nipping the bottom of my lip, I fiddled with my fingers as I quickly thought of the small things I've noticed about Zeno. In fact, there's a lot of things I've noticed over the course of our relationship.

"Well," I started, "He blinks a lot when he's nervous. And like, he bounces his leg up and down when he's a tad bit frustrated. Zeno twitches in his sleep for whatever reason, too-."

"You've slept in the same bed as him?"

My throat tightened. Shit! "Um-. Yes. I have."

A small moment of silence lingered before she spoke again. "Well, I've got to ask, Mel. Girl to girl, and be honest, are you two....? Engaging in sexual inter-."

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