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Hey guys-

A lot of people have been asking me to create a video about Amelie and Zeno with the song 'Promiscuous'. And I did!

Give it a watch.

Without further adieu, I present to you...

S U S P I C I OU S \ viewer discretion is advised

amelie zabini

Zeno held my hand as we walked down the corridors on the way to my Charms class - he insisted that he walks me to class.

Each step I take, I swear, feels horrendous. The pain in my thighs, my fucking hips, and the soreness.

Fucking hell, the soreness is so surreal.

But Zeno's been walking at my pace.

This is embarrassing enough; the fact that I have to be walked to fucking class after getting railed by Zeno Berkshire.

Walking alongside another as people watch in awe was nothing new; fuck's sake, will the stares continue? 

"Are you alright?" Zeno says lowly as he looks down at me.

I look up at Zeno as his brows are furrowed down out of curiousity.

"Yes," I respond, "I'm alright. Are you?"

Zeno smiled as he took my hand by his lips, placing a kiss before he swayed my hand back down.

"Of course I am," he said through his smirk, "I received some damn fine pussy this morning."

I jokingly smacked his chest as he softly chuckled.

In reality, my cheeks warmed up and it was if my confidence arose. 

Zeno and I arrived in front of my Charms class. 

Quickly glancing into the classroom, students started pooling in. 

"I'll come here after class," Zeno said as he leaned in for a kiss. He placed a kiss onto my lips as I cupped his face, "Does that sound alright with you?"

"Of course it's alright with me," I spoke softly as I stared into his enticing green emeralds, "You're adorable, do you know that?"

At an instant, his cheeks turned a light crimson pink as a faint smile appeared across his face.

"Stop it," he said quietly through a grin. "I'll see you later, alright?"

"Okay," I say.

He places a kiss on my head before he heads down the corridor towards Ancient Studies.

I walked into the Charms as I quickly glance the classroom in search for Oliver.

Once I spot Oliver, I walk towards him in pain with my heavy book-bag slung over my shoulder.

"Oi!" Oliver beams with a smile, "What took you so long to get here? You're usually one of the first people to come."

I took a seat right beside him as I huffed.

"I had to take a shower," I responded, "I slept over in your room, remember?"

"Oh right," Oliver blurted, "You didn't pack any next day clothing or anything?"

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