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Hey guys-

Sorry for taking so fucking long. I have been so fucking busy aksjhdfgkhrkgjhs. Anyway, enjoy this wholesome content. Ish...

If there are typos, bare with me. It's 5 fucking AM.

Without further adieu, I present to you...


amelie zabini


"I mean I've always seen her in our Charms class, but I never actually paid attention to her," I murmured as Oliver and I walked down the corridors, "Have you ever talked to her?"

He scoffed.

"Eleanor?" Oliver queried, "No, not really. She gives me psychotic-energy vibes. I cannot."

I softly chuckled.

"She's beautiful, though," I responded, "Though I've never interacted with her. I suppose she's nice. I hope she's treating my brother well. Or something like that."

"I'm surprised Zenith-poo even told us about his shag," Oliver blurted as he pulled his book bag over his shoulder, "Given the circumstances that he's all secretive and such."


We both sighed.

Zenith usually never brags or talks about any girls that he's slept with, so it can be assumed that she's possibly special.

"So, are we going to the Ravenclaw's dungeons today?" I queried as we bustled through the crowd of teenagers eager to get back to their dorms and commons.

"That's what Narsa said, no?"

"I'm asking-."

"Yes," he beckoned, "We're going to the Ravenclaws'."

As we walk alongside one another, we suddenly see Zeno walking out of his Ancient Studies class

Zeno stands by the entrance, tall and handsome, glancing left and right when he finally spots the both of us.

Immediately, a smile grows across his face.

He speeds towards us with a contagious smile and opens his arms widely.

I couldn't help but blush.

"Mel," he breathed, as he pulled me into a tight embrace, "I missed you."

He leaned down and placed a kiss on my forehead as I wrapped my arms around his large frame.

"I missed you, too," I said lowly as we both pulled away from one another's embrace, "Though it was only a couple hours since we've seen each other."

He rolled his eyes.

"I dread the day without you, Mel," Zeno chuckled as he tucked my hair behind my ear.

"What about me?" Oliver hissed, "Where's my forehead kiss? My embrace?"

Zeno started walking towards Oliver with open arms as Oliver backed away chuckling.

"I thought you wanted some love, Oli," Zeno sneered as he inched closer and closer towards him.

"No! It's too late now, back up Mr. Giant," Oliver retorted.

Zeno laughed and rolled his eyes as he made his way towards me once more.

He grabbed my tender hand and intertwined it with his large one; rings pressed against my fingers.

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