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Hey guys-

WASSSSSSSSUP. Thanks for being understanding! I've decided to update at my own pace. I really need this! I love you all. Enjoy. Hehe....... 3 povs.

Without further adieu, I present to you...


oliver draco malfoy

I have a date with Charlotte today, and that's all I can even think about right now. No, not the potions in front of me. Not Narsa talking about the Slytherin she's seeing. Not Zeno and Mel fighting over which ingredient to put in the cauldron first.

But Charlotte.

Oh, how her red hair flows past her shoulders. Or how her loose curls bounce effortlessly as she sashays her way down corridors and up the stairs. She's like this beautiful doe and I'm a fucking red truck with bright, unnecessary head lights.

I could go on forever on how good she looks. But in reality, I have to worry about other things. Like my sister's well being.

Okay, a little bit more of Charlotte in my head won't hurt.

I mean, her smile! Her smirk! Her cheerful voice! And her knowledge?! That's incredibly attractive. A girl's knowledge. Now that is what I call hot.

"Never mind which comes first. Seems like Oli's daydreaming," Zeno chimed with a smirk. I diverted my attention back to the group as I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"No way," I lied through a grin, "What are we doing right now?"

"Figuring out the reverse serum for Veritaserum. Amelie and Zeno are currently bickering each other about which ingredient comes first," Narsa beckoned with attitude, "Any idea which comes first?"

I looked over at Narsa as frustration is shunned onto her expression. If it were that difficult enough for Narsa not to know, then what gave her the idea that I'd know, too?

"The fuck are you asking me for?" I bickered, "I'm not the sharpest tool in the she-."

"Just shut it," Narsa interrupted. I rolled my eyes. As much as I want to kill her sometimes, all her actions are justified because she's the youngest in the Malfoy bunch. "Add Silverweed, then diced Spleenwart. Stir it clock-wised twice. Tell me how that goes."

Narsa jot down endless notes on her parchment as Zeno and Mel obeyed her. Immediately, the smell was putrid as I gagged. I pinched my nose as Narsa chuckled.

"Smells just like your room, why are you bothered?" Narsa jeered.

Mel and Zeno laughed at this notion as I lightly nudged Narsa, in which fucked up her writing.

I immediately widened my eyes.

"Oh fuck-."

"If you EVER fuck up my notes, it'll be the last thing you ever do!" Narsa shouted.

Mel and Zeno glanced at one another as they grimaced while my palms immediately sweat.

If there's one thing you should never do to Narsa, it's interfering with her hard work. It must be a Ravenclaw thing.

"A...nyways," Mel blurted, "I've done what was told and now the color is like-. Like a murky pink? A cloudy pink, I think?"

"And it smells like absolute shit," Zeno added as he pinched his nose closed.

"Then we did the right thing," Narsa responded as she continued writing. She went on her tippy toes to see the cauldron from where she was standing- observed it, inhaled, then continued writing. "We did the right thing. Fucking hell thank Merlin."

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